
The fish swim bladder flower

[ ]" Emei medicinal plants."
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yú Bià o Hu.
[ source ] is a liliaceous plant roots or flowers pink Ye Yuzan.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbaceous, tall 1.3 ~1.7 meters. Roots thick. The blade root, tufted; has a long handle; leaves large, broad ovate, apex acute. Base cordate, green, above has the white, waxy, vein12~ 13, lateral veins conspicuous. Flowering stems from leaf extract, grow 30 ~60 centimeters; racemes; bracts purplish green; flowers white, also with pale purple, perianth funnel-campanulate, lobes 6; stamens 6, filaments free, bending, anthers versatile students. Capsule linear. Seminal black, flat, margin with wing. Flowering in spring and summer.
[ ] habitat distribution more cultivated in gardens, but also has a wild.
[ ] chemical composition containing gitogenin.
[ ]" I cap functions of medicinal plants:" root down Fuzhi sore. Flower and pig with cook cuisine, for headache.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


