
Fructus broussonetiae

This product is mulberry branch of Broussonetia papyrifera Broussonetia papyrifera ( L. ) Vent. Fruit. ( British) Papermulberry Fruit
Alias: for Muzi, this tree.
Plant morphology: deciduous trees, as high as16m, with milk. The bark is smooth, dark gray, young branchlets densely tomentose. Leaves alternate, wide egg form, long 7~ 20cm, width of 6 ~15cm, margin serrulate, usually 3 to5deeply lobed, rough above, below densely pilose, three arteries and veins; petiole densely tomentose. Flowers unisexual; male inflorescences? Ti shape, axillary pendulous, staminate flowers: tepals and stamens4; female inflorescence capitate, perianth tubular, ovary with handle. A spherical, fleshy, orange red, ripe when small achenes borrow meat proton real handle outwards out. Florescence in May, fruit period 8to October.
Born in hill Valley cottage, or flat side, a cultivation. Production of Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Gansu, yamamoto.
Sampling: autumn when ripe, washed, dried, removing ash white membranous calyx and impurities.
Character: small achenes flat round or flat ovoid, ca.2mm, width of 1.5 ~2mm. Surface orange red or red brown, with fine mesh texture or stars expected protuberance, side with concave groove, the other side of a ridge, the base of ovary scar. Hard, containing1 seeds; seed coat reddish brown seeds, white, oily. Mild.
Chemical composition: containing saponin etc..
Taste: cold, sweet.
Medical network www.PharmNet.com.cn finishing
Function : Invigorating the kidney and liver, improving eyesight, diuresis. For Yaoxisuanruan, Xulao deficiency, sand halo head faint, white veil, edema and swelling.

