
The fruit of Eucalyptus robusta

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yèā n Gu ǒ
[ source ] medicine source: Myrtle fruit of Eucalyptus robusta.
Latin botanical name: Eucalyptus robusta Smith animal fossil
Harvest and storage: spring, autumn two season harvesting, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of large trees, up to 20m. Bark peeling, deep brown, about 2cm thick, irregular oblique fissure; twigs angled. The young leaves opposite, leaf blade thickly leathery, ovate, ca.11cm as wide as the 7cm, has a shank, mature; leaves alternate, leaf blade thickly leathery, ovate-lanceolate, long 8-17cm, wide ranging from both sides,3-7cm, both sides have glandular punctate; petiole 1.5-2.5cm. Umbel stout,4-8 having a flower, total stalk compressed; pedicels short, thick and flat; bud length1.4-2cm, width 7-8mm, calyx tube hemispherical or obconical,7-9mm long,6-8mm wide; petals and sepals connate into a calyptra, calyptra ca. and calyx tube with a long, apex contraction into beak; stamens numerous, long 1-1.2cm, anthers oblong, longitudinal fissure; ovary and calyx tube connate. Capsule egg shaped pot, long 1-1.5cm, upper capsule slightly contracted, mouth slightly enlarged, fruit valve3-4, deep in the calyx tube. Florescence 4-9 month.
[ ] bitter taste; temperature; the small poison
[ indications ] cut malaria. The main malaria
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,1-3g; or burning of grind end.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


