

Overview: This product is the Liliaceae perennial garlic Allium sativum L. dry bulb. May leaves Kushi excavation. Dry by airing. Student use.
Alias: Hu garlic, garlic, only single head of garlic
Resistance type: no classification
The character and taste tropism: spicy, temperature. The spleen, stomach, lung.
Actions: Detoxifying insecticides, detumescence, relieving dysentery. For boils, scabies, tuberculosis, pertussis, dysentery, hookworm, pinworm certificate.
Usage and dosage: topical amount, trace and apply; slices rub; or garlic moxibustion. Decoction,5-10g. Live food. Or pound juice. Or made into syrup. External application can not be too long, lest the skin redness, burning, foaming. Pregnant women should not use enema. Hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency and eye, tongue, larynx, tongue of the disease are not suit.
Storage: a dry and ventilated place.
Clinical application of:
1recipe: treatment of enterobiasis. Garlic amount, pound mud, plus a dash of sesame oil, before coating around the anus. In the garlic insecticide, as monarch drug.
2recipe: treatment of coughing tuberculosis: purple skin garlic30g,10015g,9g aster, after two kinds of decoction, garlic Daozhi RuiRu clothing. Method of detoxifying insecticides in garlic, as monarch drug.
3recipe: dysentery, enteritis: garlic mash,30g, add into the boiling water and a small, with some brown sugar, one day in 3. In the garlic detoxification, Zhili, as monarch drug.

