

Overview: This product is Ziziphus jujuba Mill. rat Li Ke plant jujube fruit is the dried ripe fruit of. Autumn when ripe, dried in the sun.
Alias: red dates, jujube, jujube and jujube, beauty
Resistance type: no classification
The character and taste tropism: Gan, wen. The spleen, stomach meridian.
Actions: Buzhong Yiqi, nourishing and soothing. For the deficiency of food less, weak loose stools, lady dirty noise.
Usage and dosage:6~ 15g.
Storage: a dry place, mothproof.
Clinical application of:
1 the company jujube soup (" synopsis of the Golden Chamber" ) treat woman dirty dryness, happy sad, crying, falling number. Date 10, licorice 10g,6G of wheat. 3 flavor to6 litres of water, boil3liter,3clothes. Fang Gan Wen Zhirun jujube, Qi and moistening dryness, urgency, as adjuvant.
The 2single high-dose oral decoction, treatment of allergic purpura.
The 3single to go nuclear, baking carbon grind end, plug the bleeding out, treating qi and blood deficiency caused by gum bleeding.

