
Large pulmonary clavatum

[ source ]" Sichuan" from traditional Chinese medicines
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Fè I J īn Cǎ o
[ English ] Herb of Laminated Sanicle name, all-grass of Laminated sanicle
[ alias ] sheet sanicle, lung, half grass, grass, Qifeng money back, red blood, black bag by grass, black bean grass, an arrow, a large lung grass, water, hills, flap Coptis practice celery, Wuzhua wind, Aberdeen seven, pulmonary clavatum, kill, powder blood grass, grass goose feet, wild celery, wild celery
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for the Umbelliferae plant sheet sanicle and Sanicula coerulescens entire grass.
Latin botanical mineral name: 1.Sanicula lamelligera Hance2.Sanicula animal coerulescens Franch. [S. Stapfiana Wolff]
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbaceous, tall 13-30cm, glabrous. Basal petiole length6-7.5cm, with basal sheaths; leaf blade lobed leaf shape in3; middle lobe to obovate, base cuneate, side lobes obliquely elliptic, base obliquely broadly cuneate, long 2-4.3cm, wide 1.5-2.5cm, edge has deep short of crack, cracked tooth apex spiny hair, long 1-2mm, green above, petiole and below with purple; cauline leaves small, deep3 crack; the top leaves minimal without crack. Small umbels, arranged in a compound umbel; bracts linear; flowers unisexual; male flower is on edge, stipitate, calyx teeth5, linear-lanceolate, petals white or purplish, ovate, apex concave, with narrow inflexed tabs; female flowers in inflorescences central, with a short handle or nearly sessile, sepals and petals as in male with. Cremocarp ovoid or slightly laterally into a flat, spiny, spines base expanded scaly. Florescence in April. Month of fruit period 4-5. The species and thin sanicle difference; lateral umbels sessile, inflorescence submits false raceme; calyx teeth linear or a spiny hairy. Fruit surface corrugated sheet and short and straight prickles. Flower, month of fruit period 3-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the wetland, the bamboo or wet mixed forest of.
Resource distribution: distribution in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste spicy; Gan; sexual tepid
[ ] to the liver through the lung;
[ ] Qufeng functions published; resolving phlegm and relieving cough; Huoxue tiaojing. The main cold; cough; asthma; abnormal menstruation amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea;;; sores; traumatic swelling and pain; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-15g; or wine. External: amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the paper1" Tianbao" scattered wind, phlegm: materia. Treatment of four when the cold, croup, cough, tetanus. 2" Sichuan" history of Chinese medicine: fever heat, blood flow. Cough or empty cough, the closure of women with low back pain.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


