
Large tree of radish

Pinyin name ] [ Dà YèSh ùLuó Bo
[ alias ] stone radish
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Ericaceae plant red stem blueberry root.
Latin plant animal name: Vaccinium ardisioides Hook.f.ex C.B.Clarke mineral
Harvest and storage: autumn, winter harvest, clean, fresh or dried slices.
[ ] the original morphology of evergreen shrub, high 1-2m. Root expansion like radish, long 50-60cm, coarse8-10cm. Young branchlets smooth, no obvious lenticels. Leaf6-7, false verticillate; petiole nearly absent; leaf blade papery oval, Caine, oblong or oblong-lanceolate,8-12cm long,2.7-4cm wide, apex acuminate, base narrow, slightly cordate, margin entire; lateral veins slender, most, and midrib, reticulate veins slightly raised on both surfaces. Racemes axillary,1-3, there are flowers numerous, small flowers, sideways; bracts and bracteoles caducous; pedicels clavate, upper thickening, and calyx tube have significant joint; calyx tube short columns,5 crack, lobation 1/ 2 below the carnassial teeth, triangle; corolla reddish or orange red, tubular, long 7.5-8mm, apex5 crack, cracked teeth short; stamens shorter than corolla, filaments glabrous or puberulous, chamber back has 2 short distance. Berry is globose, bright red. Florescence in March, fruit period in May.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 2000-2150m roadside or jungle wet locations, sometimes epiphytic in forest trees.
Resource distribution: distribution in Yunnan.
[ ] taste slightly bitter cold;
[ ] functions of heat; diuretic; blood stasis. Primary lung heat cough; hepatitis; edema; menstruation; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-30g. External application: suitable, grind end tune apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

