
Lobar Pteris

[ ]" the common Chinese herbal medicines in Tibet."
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yè Fè n Wě I
[ alias ] double phoenix-tail, Kim O (" the common Chinese herbal medicines in Tibet" ), bracken, big mouth, spike grass grass (" Shaanxi herbs" ), the edge of the well mouth grass, grass (" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan" ), miscellaneous, winter Roma chewa ( Tibetan name ).
[ source ] for the family Pteridaceae tail wind the whole grass fern plants. Annual recoverable. Use fresh or wash, cut, dried standby.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbaceous, tall 50 ~100 cm. Rhizome erect, lanceolate meat brown scales with stripes. Leaf type 2, tufted, petiole of straw color, smooth; fertile leaves oval, grow 25 ~30 centimeters, wide 15~ 20 centimeters,1pinnate, but below the middle of the pinna usually branched, sometimes basally on 1and 1~ 2separation of the pinnules; pinnae or pinnae - 15~ 25cm, width 6 ~8 mm, strip lanceolate, top has sharply serrate; sterile leaves the same type, but the pinna or pinnules width 1to 1.5 cm, margin acute serrate. Sori line, along the top of the leaf margin. Following continuous distribution, indusium narrow strip, gray, membranous.
[ ] in forest habitat distribution under wet or cracks in the limestone. Distribution in the south of the Yangtze River in most areas of Shaanxi, Tibet and other places and.
Taste [ ]
Gan, cool.
①" common Chinese herbal medicines in Tibet": flat, taste sweet.
②" herbal" Shaanxi: salty, sex is cold, a small drug.
③" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan" : light, cool.
[ indications ]
Clearing heat, dampness, dispelling wind, detoxification. Treatment of jaundice hepatitis, dysentery, edema, drench turbidity, irregular menstruation, throat moth, soup fire injury.
①" common Chinese herbal medicines in Tibet": clearing away heat and toxic material, desiccant, bleeding shengji. The cough, all voiced, dysentery, burns and scalds.
②" herbal": Shaanxi wind calm, promoting blood circulation, alexipharmic detumescence, Zhili stranguria. Treatment of deviation of the eyes and mouth, snake bitten by the dog, heating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, Ganxuelao.
③" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan" : heat, diuresis, dehumidification, stop dysentery. Treatment of jaundice hepatitis, acute cholecystitis, tonsillitis, diarrhea, urinary tract infection, nephritic edema.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3~ 5money. External: trace and apply.
[ ] a party
①treats poisonous and rabies bites sore: fresh bracken Daocheng mud paste, paste. (" Shaanxi herbs" )
The treatment of deviation of the eyes and mouth: bracken money. Water decoction. (" the common Chinese herbal medicines in Tibet" )
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


