
Lobar to ears

Pinyin name ] [ Dà YèD ìě R Gē n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Combretaceae plant broadleaf Rhodiola root.
Latin botanical name: Combritum latifolium BI animal fossil
Harvest and storage : autumn harvest, slices dried.
[ ] the original morphology of broad-leaved windmill CombretumlatifliumB1. calamus wailong, long and up to30m. Branchlets are scales, usually glabrous, sometimes reddish, festival of expansion. Leaves opposite; petiole 1.5-2.5cm; leaf blade leathery, broadly elliptic or elliptic, long 7-15cm, dilute to 18(-20) cm, width 5-8cm, dilute13cm, apex obtuse or short acuminate, base obtuse, glabrous, young was sparse and obvious scale, the old ripe when densely fine scales individual scales, but not obvious, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, vein axils has a nest cavity, but glabrous, lateral veins in the ribs prominent abaxially, reticulate veins are visible on both surfaces sparsely. Racemes axillary or terminal panicles, densely villous puberulent; flowers white to yellowish green, very sweet, very much; bracts small, caducous; calyx tube funnelform, after a short campanulate, outside densely villous puberulent and tiny yellow scales, there is a short hair ring, hair longer than calyx teeth, calyx teeth4, triangular, flowers reflexed outwards; petals 4, oblong-obovate, apex concave, base shortly clawed, and calyx teeth subequal; stamens 8, ca.48mm; ovary slightly ribbed, base attenuate into handle, style stout, without scales, long 9mm, rod, the top most wide; ovules usually2. Fruit orbicular or obovate, apex retuse, length and width are equal,2.5-3cm, with 4 wings, bright and veined, pale yellow to light brown, without scales, are rare short-haired; fruit handle is long58mm. Florescence 1-4 month, month of fruit period 6-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 540-1000m in the forest.
Resource distribution: distribution in southern Yunnan.
[ ] taste acrid in taste bitter; flat;
[ ] massage functions; pain and diarrhea. The main injuries; abdominal pain and diarrhea;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


