

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Má Gē D
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: pepper plant piper 's whole plant.
Latin animal mineral name: PiperyunnanenseTseng
Harvest and storage: collected all the year round, slice, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original form of the piper sub erect subshrubs,1-3m. Branches with fine longitudinal ribs, and petiole, peduncle were wool. Leaves thinly papery, ovate, broadly ovate or branch end is elliptic, long 10-15cm, wide 6-10cm, apex mucronate, base cordate, two sides of unequal, glabrous above, below and along the veins by small bristles and fine glandular dots, veins 9,1on the alternate, from the base1.2-3cm from midrib issued, others were all basal; petiolar long 8-14mm, only basally sheathing. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, gather together and leaves opposite spikes; male inflorescences4-6cm in length, inflorescence rachis pubescent, bracts rounded, peltate, diameter of about1.1mm, central shortly stipitate, stamens 3, anthers ovate,2 crack, coarse filaments, much shorter than anthers; female inflorescence fruit period4-8cm, bracts small, diameter 0.8-lmm, ovary base block was born at inflorescence axis, stigmas 3, caducous. Berry is globose, red when mature, the diameter is about 2mm, base block was born in inflorescence axis and its connate, multiple verrucous convex surface. Florescence 4-6 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 1100-2000m forest or wet ground.
Resource distribution: distribution in southern Yunnan, southwest and northwest.
[ character ] character differentiation stem cylindrical, about 1cm in diameter; the surface with fine longitudinal ribs, with sparse hairs, festival expanded significantly. The Yedo collapse, flattened oval or elliptical, long 9-15cm, wide 5-10cm, base often skewed, with dense small glands, abaxial leaf veins are furry, veins 9,1of the most from the base from the midrib, reticulate veins conspicuous; leaf shortly stipitate, base sheathlike, sometimes visible opposite leaves spike. Aroma, taste spicy.
[ ] taste spicy; temperature
[ indications ] dispel cold-dispelling; Qi and activating blood and dissipating blood stasis pain. The main cold; rheumatoid arthritis; stomach; dysmenorrhea; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
[ note ] pregnant women take it carefully.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

