
Mu Xiang Dali

Pinyin name ] [ Dà L M ì Jiù Xiā n
[ alias ] of Mu Xiang
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: compositae plants root for Nagi Ka.
Latin animal mineral name: Dolomiaea edulis ( Franch. ) Shih []
Harvest and storage: autumn, winter harvest, sliced dried.
[ ] the original morphology of woody perennial rosette herb dish. Stout. Short stalk. Leaves alternate; petiole2-8cm; leaves thinly leathery; leaf blade pinnately lobed to crack, obovate or obovate-elliptic, long 9-14cm, wide 8-10cm, both surfaces strigose or only veins hairy. Capitate inflorescences solitary; involucral bracts ca.5, leathery and brown, membranous margin, apex obtuse or acute; corolla purple, bracts ca. 5, leathery and brown, membranous margin, apex obtuse or acute; corolla purple, corolla tube is a minister 2-3times; anther base sheet often tear; flower holder having subulate short spines. Achenes flat3 prism; brown; crested about 3 layers, setaceous, have short feathers; dirty yellow. Fruit period7-9 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 2900-4000m hillside wasteland and lawn.
Resource distribution: located in Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ character ] character identification : the root is cylindrical, slightly resembling chicken bone, or cut in half, length 5-25cm, diameter 0.7-1.5cm. Surface yellow brown or gray-brown, covering many does not exist, with longitudinal wrinkles or cracks ditch and raised lateral root. Hard and easy to break, section slightly flat, brown or brownish yellow, bark and wood of equal thickness slightly, visible Brown punctate resin powder in, cambium ring clear. Fragrance and specific than weak, woody, slightly bitter and acrid., sticky chewing teeth.
[ ] taste acrid in taste bitter; temperature;

[ ] functions of Qi; pain relief. The main abdomen distending rib pain; diarrhea; diarrhea; dyspepsia
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, grind end,1.5-3g6-9g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


