

[ source ] from the" Handbook of Chinese medicinal materials"
[ Z, n ] Pinyin names to be Q n Gu I to be
English name [ ] Immature fruit of Medicine Terminalia
[ alias ] Tibet, Western olive olive
[ source ]
Medicine source: Combretaceae plant Combretaceae young fruit of terminalia.
Latin animal mineral name: Terminalia chebula Retz.
Harvest and storage:9-10harvesting immature fruit, dried by a water wave.
[ ] the original morphology
Trees, as high as30m. Branches nearly glabrous, lenticels slender, white or pale yellow, young branchlets yellow-brown, tomentose. Leaves alternate or subopposite; petiole stout, long 1.8-2.3cm,1-5mm from top2( - 4) glands; leaf to ovate or elliptic, long 7-14cm,4.5-8.5cm wide, apex mucronate, base obtuse or wedge, oblique, margin entire or microwave shape, both surfaces glabrous, densely fine aneurysm at; inflorescence axillary or terminal, sometimes arranged in panicles; flowers bisexual; calyx tube cupular, pale green with yellow, ca.3.5mm,5tooth crack, about 1mm long, triangular, outside glabrous, inside is yellow brown pilose; petals emarginate; stamens 10, higher than the calyx, anthers small, oval; ovary inferior, room 1, cylindrical, ca.1mm, coat, black brown when dry, style long and thick, the tip of the cone. Drupe, ovate or elliptic, long 2.4-4.5cm, diameter 1.9-2.3cm, green, rough, glabrous when mature, dark brown, usually with 5obtuse angles. Florescence in May, fruit7-9.
This mutation and Terminalia chebula difference: young branches, young leaves were all copper flat villous; bracts too flowers; calyx outside glabrous; fruit ovoid, length of less than 2.5cm. Flowering of 6-8 months, fr.8-10.
[ character ]
Character identification fruit is long ovate, slightly flat,. The other end is larger, smaller, printing tip, is provided with a stipe. Some slightly curved. Length 1.5-3cm, diameter 0.5-1.2cm. The surface is dark brown, with conspicuous longitudinal wrinkles, no hollow. Odorless, bitter taste, flute gan.
His dry, a uniform, solid, hollow section is preferred.
[ ] bitter taste; micro Gan; astringency; slightly cold
[ function ] heat fluid; Liyan jiedu. The main deficiency of diphtheria; tonsillitis; diarrhea; enteritis bacillary dysentery;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-6g; or with clothes
[ note ]" pieces of new reference": hot and cold sore throat jiyong.
[ ] the discussion
1" new" rule: ginseng tablets chin Yin diphtheria, insecticidal and.
2" Plateau" of Chinese herbal medicine in treatment of manual: heat fluid, detoxification with astringents. Pneumonia, dysentery, Yin diphtheria. Solution of aconite poisoning.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

