

[ ] Pinyin name Dà Qiā n Shē n
[ alias ] ice powder, crystal jelly, Nicandra, tin bead
[ source ] the Solanaceae Nicandra plant Daqian health Nicandra Physaloides ( L. ) Gaertn., to the whole grass, fruit and seeds. Autumn collection complete grass, fresh or dried; or autumn collection complete grass, fruit, seed processing dried respectively.
[ ] sweet taste, sour, bitter, flat. A small drug.
[ indications ] sedation, eliminating phlegm, clearing away heat and toxic material. For rabies, psychosis, epilepsy, rheumatic arthritis, colds, sinusitis, urinary tract infections, sore and furuncle.
[ usage] fresh grass 0.5~ 1two0.5~ 1money, fresh fruit.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


