
Odaka Yoshijiang

[ alias ] Daliang, ginger, galangal Alpinia
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Zingiberaceae Odaka Yoshijiang.
Latin animal mineral name: Aipiniagalanga ( L. ) Willd.
Harvest and storage:2-3 month excavation, removal of stems and leaves of impurities, washed, cut or sliced dried.
[ ] the original form of Odaka Yoshijiang, perennial tussock grass, tall 1.5-2.5m. Roots thick, rounded, a festival, reddish brown and slightly spicy. Leaves without petiole2 columns, or very short; leaf blade oblong or broadly lanceolate, long 30-50cm, wide 6-140cm, apex acute, base cuneate, margin obtusely,; often white and brown, glabrous or abaxially pilose; ligule long 5-10mm, apex obtuse. Inflorescence terminal, erect, Xin flowers, length 14-32cm, diameter 4-8cm, rachis densely pubescent, much branched; involucral bracts linear, ca.20cm; bracteoles lanceolate or narrowly oblong, long 1-2cm; flower green white, fragrant; calyx tubular, apex with 3lobed, Yuan Mao; corolla tube and calyx tube slightly unequal, lobes 3, oblong, labellum obovate to oblong,2.5-3cm long,8-12mm wide, base unguiculate, with red stripes; stamens 1, and the base of labellum; ovary inferior, glabrous, style slightness, stigma slightly dilated. , capsule oblong, not cracking, long 1-1.5cm, width of 7mm, central slightly contracted, ripe orange red. Seed polygon, brownish black. Florescence 6-7 month, month of fruit period 7-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in hillside, desert grassland or shrubland.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan.
[ character ]
Character identification : the rhizome is cylindrical, with branches. Length 8-12cm, diameter 2-3cm. Surface red brown or dark purple, wavy yellow leaf scars formed part, internodes 0.5-Icm, with longitudinal wrinkles; rhizomes below root. Tough, not easily broken, section gray-brown or reddish brown, fibrous bark, accounted for 2/ 3, the endothelial layer, vascular star visible, wood and bark of separation. Fragrance, taste spicy. With less branches, red brown, gas incense burning is preferred.
Microscopic identification of rhizome: transverse: epidermis for 1rows parenchyma cells. Cortical parenchyma of a monocyclic type leaf trace bundles; endothelial layer. In the column of vascular bundle sheath monocyclic type, fiber wall thickness, layer obviously, cell small, visible pits; xylem3-6catheter. Parenchyma cells contain starch grains; thin-walled cells with a lot of secretory cells, containing a coloured oil droplets or reddish-brown resinous materials.
[ ] the rhizomes contain chemical composition cork acid methyl ester ( methyl cinnamate ) ( camphor ), camphor, eucalyptol ( cineole ), eugenol ( Eugenol ),α- and β- pinene ( pinene ), limonene ( limonene ),4- (4-terpineol ), terpineol bornyl acetate ( bornyl acetate ) pepper, acetic acid phenolic ester ( chavicol acetate ), Citronellyl acetate ( Citronellyl acetate ), acetic acid geraniol ester ( geranyl acetate ),β- caryophyllene (β -caryophyllene ),α- sweet orange oil with (α -bergamotene ), aromatic turmeric ene ( ar-onrcumene ),β- bisabolene (β -zisabolene fifteen ), methane (pentadeca-ne),β- half phellandrene (β -sesquiphellandrene ), caryophyllene oxide ( caryo-phyllene oxide ), methyl eugenol ( methyleugenol ), eugenol acetate ( Eugenol acetate ), pepper cool ( chavicol ), trans - β - farnesene ( tran- β-rnsene ), Takara Jiangso ( galangin ),3- (3-methylgalangin ), methyl by DL-l ′ - acetic acid oxygen group chavicol acetin ( DL-l/′ -acetoxy-chavicolacatate, DL-l ′ - acetyl eugenol acetate ( DL-l′ -ace-toxyeugenol acetate ), trans -3,4- two methoxy cinnamic alcohol ( trans-3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcoho L ), trans -4- methoxy cinnamic alcohol ( trans-4-methoxycinnamyl alcohol ), trans -4- hydroxy cinnamic aldehyde ( trans-4-hydroxycinnamaldehyde ), l ′ - carboxyl group chavicol acetin (1 ′ -hyd ) xy-chavicol acetate ), two - ( p-hydroxy - cis - styrene ) methane ( p-hy-droxy-cis-styryl ) methane, two acetic acid - counter type - p-cumaric alcohol ester ( trans-p-coumaryl alcohol diacetate ), two acetic acid - trans - coniferyl alcohol ester ( trans-coniferyl diacetate ), [1′ S ) -1 ′ - acetyl chavicol acetin [1′ S]-1′ -acetoxychavicol acetate ), [l ′S]-l ′ - acetyl eugenol acetate
[ ] the pharmacological effect
1: greater galangal expectorant effect of petroleum ether extract on rabbit has good expectorant action, make the bronchial gland secretion increased; volatile part can directly stimulate bronchial gland; non-volatile portion through the gastric mucosa of the reflection effect.
2anti ulcer effect : the contents of L ′ - acetyl chavicol acetin and 1′ - acetyl eugenol acetate on Shay gastric ulcer rats showed significant inhibition.
3other roles: Rhizome Decoction to concentration of 0.25%- 0.75% on isolated intestinal stimulant. The volatile oil in vitro against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, dysentery bacillus, paratyphoid bacillus, Escherichia coli, inhibition effect.
[ identify ] physicochemical identification: take the coarse powder with ether1g,10ml, soak 15minutes, shaken from time to time, filtration. The filtrate after volatile dry spicy oily substance, with concentrated sulfuric acid and vanillin crystal1 drops of1 grains, brown or yellow green. ( check the flavonoid )
Processing [ ]
Raw herbs, removing impurities, cleaning, run through, cut into thick slices, drying, sieving to ashes.
Pieces of character: a round or irregular thick film. Peripheral brown or yellow-brown, smooth or less have vertical stripes, occasional shallow yellow wavy links and circular scales hairy roots trace remnants. Section a pale yellow or yellowish brown. Hard and osteoporosis. Easily broken, section fibrous and powder. Micro gas smell, taste slightly spicy. Dry storage container, place in a cool dry place, keep sealed.
[ ] taste acrid in taste and warm;
[ ] functions of stomach temperature; cold; xingqizhitong. Primary gastric cold pain had vomiting and diarrhea;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-5g; or into the pill, powder. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
[ note ]:" history of Chinese medicine in Yunnan" - not to wear.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


