
Ooba To

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yè Té n
[ alias ] Vietnam large rattan, rattan, rattan, false milk Huang Ma ( dog, Huangdo Ko, Huangdo can stay ), soil Huanglian, rattan herb.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Menispermaceae plants Ooba To root or stem.
Latin botanical name: Tinomiscium Petiolare Hook.f.etThoms. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: collected all the year round, wash, cut, fresh or dried standby.
[ ] the original morphology of leaf rattan wood calamus wailong this. The stem branches break off milk white, fresh leaves with plastic wire is broken; the stems have irregular longitudinal grooves, the shoots are purple villous. Leaves papery to thinly leathery, broadly ovate or oval, long 9-25cm, wide 6-15CM, apex acuminate or acute, base nearly truncate or slightly cordate, dark green above, shiny, pale green below, when the stem above the wavy lines, palmately veined often5. Racemes several clusters was born in old stems or leaves of older branches, usually pendulous, long 7-35cm, is red to purple villous; flowers unisexual, white to pale green; male sepals 9, outside the small, inside the long 3-5mm; petals 6, boat-shaped; stamens 6, filaments hypertrophy. Drupe oblong, humped, long 2.5-4cm, orange.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in dense forests in the deep mountains or Hills Forest in limestone.
Resource distribution: distribution in southern Guangxi, southern Yunnan and southeastern.
[ character ]
1character identification cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, diameter 0.5-2cm. Surface brown or light brown, with irregular longitudinal striation. Hard ground, cross section, having a radially texture and skin pores, easily broken. Gas micro, taste bitter. Stems few cylindrical, slightly curved, diameter up to 2.5cm. Surface gray-brown, with thick vertical ribs, section office. Hard, section radially dense texture than root and obvious.
Microscopic identification of2root transverse section: the phellem of more than 20columns of cork cells. Cortical parenchyma cells contain starch grains and calcium oxalate small prismatic crystal. Pericycle cells for intermittent stone ring, with few lateral fiber bundle. Ray wide. Phloem xylem was half-moon; for the single, two minority. Transverse section of stem epidermal cells:1 column, wall thickening. Skin medial column 3-5collenchyma cells. Cortical stenosis. Pericycle fiber bundle connected into a ring. Phloem half round. Cambium is not obvious. The xylem is underdeveloped, catheter distributed in single. Internal phloem fiber bundle inside the triangle. Myeloid cells wide, nearly circular. The parenchyma cells with calcium oxalate crystal starch granule and small edge.
[ ] lobar rattan chemical composition containing twenty-six acid ( hexacosanoic acid ), palmitic acid ( palmitic acid ),α- hydroxy Yisanshi carbon -6- acid thirteen ester ( tridocanyl-α -hydroxytriacont-6-encate ),β- sitosterol (β -sitosterol ), daucosterol ( daucosterol ) and magnoflorine ( magnoflorine ). Stems1- containing methoxy -3- -6- hydroxyl methyl anthraquinone (1-methoxy-3-hydroxy-6-methylanthraquinone ), homovanillic acid ( vanillic acid ), eugenol ( syringic acid ),β - sitosterol and l four hydrogen Africa sinomenine ( TETRAHYDROCOLUMBAMINE ).
[ ] physicochemical identification identification of the goods from the coarse powder2G l hours, ethanol, ethanol liquid is concentrated into paste, add 2% HCl pinch dissolution, filtration. Take1ml filtrate, dropping the modified bismuth potassium iodide solution, produce a reddish brown precipitate. ( check the alkaloids )
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] the liver meridian tropism
[ ] Qufeng functions of wet and dissipating blood stasis pain; detoxification. The main rheumatic arthralgia; low back pain; traumatic injury; red eyes and sore throat;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g; or leach liquor. External application: suitable, grind end tune apply or external application.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

