
Paper leather white juice

[ ]" materia medica by annotations."
[ ] Ch and P Pinyin name golf Ji B I Zh is a n 's
[ alias ] Gu Zhi juice (" close effect party" ), (" valley of sap, metal paint Hua Zi Materia Medica" ), structure of plastic, Broussonetia papyrifera sap (" classes" ).
[ source ] for mulberry plant Broussonetia papyrifera phloem milk.
[ ] the words" taste of Materia Medica" : sweet, gas flat, non-toxic.
[ function ]
For edema, tinea.
1."" don't record: treatment of ringworm.
The" Hua Zi": snakes, insects on Materia Medica, bee, scorpion, the dog bite.
The word" Materia Medica": the benefits of water swelling.
[ usage] oral administration : juice. External : juice coated.
[ ] a party
The day after treatment of two threatened swelling, edema: Gu Zhi juice. (" close effect party" )
Treatment of pediatric tinea of long affliction: papermulberry white juice coating. (" the Osmonds." )
Clinical application of treatment [ ] red lichen: used a knife to cut the valley bark3~ 4deep, we break out the white thick juice, the juice applied to the lesion. Daily 1 ~2 times,15times as a course of treatment. Treatment of 9 cases,4 cases were cured, no recurrence was observed 1 years.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"


