

[ ].
From the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning.
The 1" Chinese Materia Medica": Hou Yu Chang, a student of South China sea. As secretary of state fish, personal circle, no bones, for broiling food to the United states.
2" ridge recorded": a series of abalone, fish, and the protrusions on the brain, even back and round body, very thick meat, meat and fat, only one spine. Treatment by ginger onions, bear the rice, the bone from soft.
[ ] Ch. N Pinyin name be Y cabinet
English name [ ] pomfret, Silvery pomfret, Butterfish
[ alias ] Chang Hou fish, Chang rat, sleepy dog fish, pomfret brama, harvest-fish, butterfish, Bai Chang, fork, Chang fish fish
[ source ]
Medicine source: STROMATEIDAE animal pomfret and its close relative species of meat.
Latin animal mineral name: Pampus argenteus ( Euphrasen ) [ Stromateoides argenteus ( Euphrasen ) ]
Harvest and storage: all year round can be fishing. After catching, removal of organs, clean, fresh.
[ ] the original morphology of silver pomfret Pampus argenteus, body is laterally compressed, usually ovoid, long 20-30cm, long40cm larger than. Head short, flat and high. Snout short, obtuse, slightly projecting. Small eyes, lateral, spaced in the big arc-shaped bulge eyes. Mouth small, slightly inclined, jaw with small teeth in 1rows, arranged in close. The gill openings are small, gill rakers (4-6) + (7-11), thin. The body was a small round scales, very easy to fall off. Lateral line a high back, and parallel to, the lateral line scale110-130. Dorsal IX - XII, I - 42-48, starting point of origin of the anal fin slightly in front, the anal fin VI - VII, I - 41-46. The adult dorsal and anal fin spines are both buried in subcutaneous; fin part are opposite the same shape, a sickle shape, the front fins are slightly elongated, but not stretching over the tail handle. The pectoral24-27, longer, no pelvic fins. Forked caudal fin is deep, lower lobe than Ye Shaochang. Body silvery sheen, back was slightly blue gray, a plurality of fins are inconspicuous tiny black spots. Abdominal Milky white. The fins are pale grey.
[ ] habitat distribution
The ecological environment in the lower: for offshore fish. Rests in the depth of the trend of 30-70m slow sea area. To fish, jellyfish, diatoms and other food. Seasonal migration phenomenon, reproductive period5-6. Brood amount11.7-21.810000, egg floating, size1.6-1.9mm.
Distribution of resources distribution in East China Sea, South China Sea.
[ ] the chemical composition of silver pomfret Pampus argenteus contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and methylamine, dimethylamine ( two dimethylamine ) ( methylamine ), isopropyl amine ( isobutylamine ) ( ethylamine ), two, ethylamine ethylamine ( diethylamine ).
[ ] taste sweet; flat
[ ] to the spleen and stomach;
[ ] raise blood Qi functions; Shu tendon and bone. The main indigestion; anemia; myalgia; numbness of limbs
[ usage] oral administration: cooking or stew served,30-60g.
[ note ] pomfret son take it carefully.
[ ] the discussion
The 1" Chinese Materia Medica": a fat Jian, qi.
2" the classics": on benefits.
3" with interest in dietary spectrum": fill the stomach, beneficial blood, charging refined.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

