
Primula sinensis

[ source ] byssinian primrose name was contained in the" plant is in", the cloud: byssinian primrose, south of garden plant. The leaf as hollyhock, leaves many tines, root leaves, long handle fertilizer soft. Early spring blossom pumping Ting, such as Primula slightly larger, attached under the bud, flower bud on a number, a layer, a layer of four or five bracts, and Primula Primula harassment while not durable, Yunnan near reservoir, where the flower having a different name, also. The morphology and the characteristic, and now primrose, Primula sinensis same.
[ ] C Pinyin name 's n B, o n Ch reports to be
[ alias ] year flower, big saxifrage
[ source ]
Medicine source: Primulaceae plants byssinian primrose entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Primula sinensis Sabine ex Lindl.
Harvest and storage: winter, spring harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. The whole plant is multicellular villous. Root stout, fibrous roots slender. Leaves basal; petiole length2-15cm, glandular setose, fresh as a fleshy, often with purplish red; leaves membranous, broad ovate to elliptic-ovate or suborbicular, length 3-13cm, width 2-10cm, apex blunt, base cordate, margin irregularly pinnatipartite, lobes with irregular toothed, two sides glandular setae. Scapes2-4branch, high 4-15cm, green or purple red, be glandular setose, with umbels1-2 round, each round there are flowers3-14flowers; bracts leaflike, linear to linear-lanceolate, long 5-15mm, long2-5cm is glandular setose; pedicels; calyx is long8-20mm, base dilated into a hemispherical shape, diameter 7-10mm, when fruit enlargement, diameter of 15-20mm, are glandular setose,5 crack, deep about2/ 5length, lobes triangular or ovate; corolla salverform, pale purple or red roses, outside puberulent, crown cylinder mouth around yellow, limb diameter 2-3cm, lobes broadly obovate, apex deeply2 crack; long petaled flowers: corolla tube length 10-11mm, stamens nearly crown barrel life, style long nearly reached crown cylinder port; short styled flowers: corolla tube length 13-14mm, stamens nearly crown cylinder mouth with students, style long4-5mm. Capsule ovoid, diameter 9-10mm. Flowering in December to March the following year, fr.2-4.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 200-1500m shade and wet limestone seam.
Resource distribution: located in Shaanxi, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou etc..
[ ] the taste of bitter cold;
[ ] functions of clearing away heat and toxic material. The main boils; rash
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply; or washed fried.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


