
Senecio japonicus

[ alias ] rabbit, monkey, occidentalis umbrella.
[ source ] Compositae Senecio japonicus Ligularia japonica ( Thunb. ) Less., root, complete grass is used as medicine.
[ ] Fujian, Taiwan habitat distribution, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, guangdong.
[ ] taste spicy, tepid.
[ indications ]
Shujinhuoxue, swelling detoxification.
Traumatic injuries:0.5~ 1two, wine, half water decocted; at the same time take fresh add liquor Daolan topical.
Innominate toxic swelling: root is right amount, a little sugar, total Daolan topical, sooner or later the dressing time.
Snake bite : roots and tiger palm, ramie ( root bark) amount, total Daolan topical.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

