

Overview: This product for the Solanaceae plant medlar Lycium chinense Mill. or Lycium barbarum L. Ningxia medlar drying root bark. In early spring or autumn digging roots, cleaning, stripping bark root, dried.
Alias: wolfberry root, festival, dog milk root, root, root, Lycium Luna pendant Lycium root bark.
Category: purgative medicinal drug
The character and taste tropism: sweet, cold. Lung, liver, kidney.
Actions: cooling except steaming, Qingfei reduce pathogenic fire. Yin deficiency for hot flushes, night sweats, cough, hemoptysis, pain, diabetes with heat.
Usage and dosage:9~ 15g.
Storage: a dry place.
Clinical application of:
1Xiebai San (" pediatric medicine straight knack" ) attending lung heat cough and asthma. CLR15g15g3G of licorice root, mulberry bark. On file scattered into the rice, a small lamp, water, decocting seven points, before feeding. Method of Cortex Lycii Gan Han lung, can help monarch drug in purging the lung and nourishing Yin V fire, power, his consistency, clearing lung fire, to the descending lung-qi.
2fresh baked yellow grinds the powder, sesame oil tune apply, cure folliculitis.
3 single flavor vinegar frying, mouthwash, insect toothache treating wind.

