
To skull

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning
Pinyin name ] [ Dì Kū Ló u
English name [ ] old Radish root
[ alias ] immortal bone, radish, old Bu head, head, to dry radish, radish, radish, empty gas dry radish, old radish.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: crucifer Lai clothing Raphanus sativus L. blossom and bear fruit tree.
Latin botanical name: Raphanus sativus L. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: to be mature seeds, uprooting, cut off the part on the ground, the roots are cleaned and dried, dry storage.
[ ] the original morphology of radish biennial or annual herbaceous, tall 30-100cm. Taproot, fleshy, oblong, spherical or conical, green, white or red skin. Stems branched, glabrous, slightly pruinose. Kisenye and lower cauline leaves large pinnatifid, long 8-30cm, wide 3-5cm, apical lobes ovate, lateral lobes4-6, oblong, with blunt teeth, sparsely hirsute; upper leaves oblong, serrate or subentire. A terminal or axillary racemes; sepals oblong; petals 4, white, purple or pink, diameter 1.5-2CM, length 1-1.5mm, obovate, with purple striae, part of5mm long claw; stamens 6,4long 2 short; pistil 1, in real diamond shape, column column. Siliqua is cylindrical, long 3-6cm, in seed between is constricted, forming sponge diaphragms, apex beaked long 1-1.5mm; seeds 1-6, ovate, slightly compressed, ca.3mm, reddish brown, and a fine texture. Florescence 4-5 month, month of fruit period 5-6.
[ ] habitat distribution originating in China, all parts of the country are cultivated, and a large number of cultivars.
[ character ] trait identification of cylindrical, length 20-25cm, diameter 3-4cm, small flat, slightly twisted, purplish red or grayish brown, flat surface, with a wavy longitudinal wrinkles or reticulate texture, visible arranged transversely to the brown stripes and long 2-3cm support pole or the rootlet mark; top with hollow stem, long 1-4cm. Lightweight, fracture surface yellowish I and osteoporosis.. Gas, slightly spicy flavor.
[ ] washing processing, slightly moist, plug into 2.5cm lengths, dried.
[ ] the taste of Gan Xin; flat;
[ ] the lung meridian; kidney
[ ] functions of Qi Xiaoji, phlegm, quench, water Xiao. Cough with phlegm stagnation and Lord; dyspepsia; abdominal distension of Piman; diarrhea; diabetes; beriberi, edema
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-30g; or into the pill, powder.
[ ] the discussion
1" Outline" to chase the lung qi, gleaning: coal smoke poison solution.
2" classification": Herbal cough and phlegm, relieve gas, area, and treat dysentery syndrome.
3" Tianbao Materia Medica": phlegm, in addition to accumulate. All qi stagnation, stomach distention.
4" Modern Practical Traditional Chinese medicine": diuresis detumescence.
5" Guizhou folk prescription set": Boil the water cure frostbite, can reduce foot feet.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


