
Musella lasiocarpa

[ source ] from the" Materia Medica" Southern Yunnan
Pinyin name ] [ Dì Y i n Jī n Liá n
English name [ ] airyfruit Musella, Flower of Hairyfruit Musella
[ alias ] to lotus, in Lotus
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: banana species Musella lasiocarpa flowers.
Latin animal mineral name: Musella lasiocarpa ( Franch. ) C. Y. Wu ex H.W.Li[Musa lasiocarpa Franch.; Ensete lasiocarpum ( Franch. ) Cheesm.]
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn flowering harvest, use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Musella lasiocarpa, perennial tufted herb, with a horizontal rhizome. Pseudostem short, high than 60cm, the base diameter of about 15cm, base not inflated, with persistent sheath. Leaf blade elliptic, long0.5m, width of 20cm, apex acute, base subrounded, bilaterally symmetrical, with white. Inflorescence erect, directly in the pseudo stem, such as an intensive ball spike, long 20-25cm, bracts scarious, yellow or pale yellow, with2columns, each column4-5 flowers; compound tepal ovate-oblong, apex with 5(3+2) tooth crack, free tepal apex retuse, depression with mucro. Berries trigonous ovate, ca.3cm, about 2.5cm in diameter, outside densely hirsute, fruit with numerous seeds; seed, oblate,6-7mm wide, dark brown or brown, smooth, and white ventral surface.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 1500-2500m mountain slope or planted in the garden.
Resource distribution: distribution in central Yunnan to the west.
[ ] cultivation
Biological characteristics, likes the warm and humid climate, avoid chill, avoid waterlogging. Advised to sunny land cultivation.
Cultivation techniques for, ramets propagation method. Spring, mining plant meristematic plant, according to the spacing1m× 1m open hole, hole size 20-30cm, application of base fertilizer in planting.
Field management, growth period, weeding fertilizer2-3 times,1-2 times. Winter cold attention.
[ ] taste bitter astringent; cold;
[ ] to the large intestine meridian
[ ] - functions; hemostasis. The main leucorrhea; bleeding; bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-15g.
[ ] the treatise" South Yunnan Materia Medica": treat woman leucorrhea red blood collapse time, e.. And in time to take off, use can also be fixedly off.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

