

[ source ]" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan"
Pinyin name ] [ Dì Pí Xiā o
[ alias ] land glue, knife-edge medicine, maggots medicine (" Chinese medicinal herbs of Yunnan." ).
[ source ] for acanthaceous plants like oak small bracts Acanthus entire grass. Summer, autumn collection, chopped, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
Like oak small bracts Acanthus, aka: rock clematis, Lu Li grass.
Herbs perennial, about 20 cm high. Rhizome short, creeping up, on which there are fleshy roots. Leaves opposite, close together, oblong,2.5 to8 cm long,1.5 to3.6 cm wide, apex obtuse, base cuneate, margin crisped, green above, pale green below, two sides is scanty by thorn wool, lateral veins8 to9; petiole ca. 0.5cm. Flowers from taking the axil, a scape several, branched or unbranched, with leaflike bract bract leaf axillary, flowers was born; corolla lilac, tubular, distally inflated, width 1.5cm. Capsule angular, ca. 2cm,3-valved, there are many seeds.
[ ] habitat distribution was born in bushes or grass slopes. The distribution of Yunnan, Guizhou and other places.
[ ]" the taste of Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan:" Gan light, flat.
[ indications ]
Heat clearing and detoxicating, Sanyu xiaozhong. Pneumonia, tonsillitis, mumps, abscess scrofula, sore, fracture, traumatic infection.
1."" Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan: Qingrejiedu, swelling and pain. Treatment of fracture, lymph node tuberculosis, mumps, traumatic bleeding.
②" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan": anti-inflammatory ascitis, myogenic, blood stasis and new, insecticidal. Treatment of acute suppurative tonsillitis, pneumonia, sore abscess, wound infection maggoty.
The" Guizhou drug-sik Directory:" cure injury, published.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3~ 4money. External: grind end Caesar or washed fried.
[ ] the clinical application of treatment of acute tonsillitis : take land3money,1 March two decoction. Observation of 20cases after an average of 19hours, drug fever, swollen tonsils is in commonly 3 ~4days away,4~ 5 days of clinical cure.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt

