
Melastoma dodecandrum Lour fruit

Pinyin name ] [ Dì Rě n Gu ǒ
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as Melastomataceae plants dodecandrum fruits.
Latin botanical name: Melastoma dodecandrum Lour. animal fossil
Harvest and storage:7-9 month when the fruit is ripe batch picking harvested, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of dwarf shrubs, tall 10-30cm. Stems creeping up, section by section, rooting, ramose much, tumbling, the ground each strigose. Leaves opposite; petiole2-6mm; leaf blade firmly papery, ovate or elliptic, long 1-4cm, wide 0.8-3cm, apex acute, base broadly cuneate, margin entire or with dense shallow serrulate; basal veins3-5. Cymes terminal,1-3 having a flower, the base of a leaflike involucre of 2; pedicels 2-10mm; take 5numbers, calyx length of 5mm, strigose, hairs basally expand submits conic form, sometimes in clusters of 2-3, lobes lanceolate, long 2-3mm, edge spinescent hairy margin, lobes with1small lobes; petals purple to purplish red, obovate upper flagellum, slightly oblique,1.2-2cm long,1-1.5cm wide, apex with 1bundle of bristles, was sparsely ciliate; stamens 5long 5 short, elders connective base extension, bending, end with2short tubercles; connective not extended, medicine vibration base with 2tubercles; below, apex spinescent hairy. Capsule urn-shaped spherical, flat, near apex slightly constricted, endoplasmic reticulum, non-cracking, long 7-9mm, diameter of about7mm, persistent calyx strigose. Florescence 5-7 month, month of fruit period 7-9.
[ ] the fruit contains tannin 2.02% chemical composition.
[ ] taste sweet and warm;
[ ] to the kidney meridian; liver; spleen meridian
[ indications ] observation; hemostasis tocolysis. The main deficiency of the kidney essence; Yaoxisuanruan; blood deficiency chlorosis; qi asthenia; through; metrorrhagia; fetal irritability; Yin ting; prolapse of the anus
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-30g; or leach liquor.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

