
Ground of Ephedra

[ ]" Guizhou folk medicine."
Pinyin name ] [ Dì Má Huá n
[ alias ] Mollugo (" plant is in" ), Chisugi Ki (" Guizhou folk medicine" ), duck foot melon seeds grass (" Zhejiang temmokus yam planting Zhi" ).
[ source ] for Aizoaceae plant Mollugo entire grass. 5- June harvest.
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous, tall 10 ~30 centimeters, all glabrous. Taproot slender, yellowish white. Stem ribbed, tilt, much branched, leaves 3~ 5like whorls, root leaves obovate or oblong; cauline leaf blade lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, entire, wanted, without handle. Dichasium terminal or axillary; flowers small, reddish brown, with a short handle; tepals 5, separation; stamens 3to 5, and perianth alternate; ovary superior, room 3, styles 3, short. Capsule cell loculicidal, many-seeded, round kidney form, black brown, have tubercles.
[ ] born moorland habitat sand dam, and etc.. Distribution of central China to the southwest.
[ ]" taste of Guizhou folk medicine": weak puckery taste, flat.
[ indications ]
Heat clearing and detoxicating. Treatment of abdominal pain, diarrhea, skin heat rash, burner.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,0.5~ 1. External use: two pound bag Cunkou or nasal plug.
[ ] a party
①refractory abdominal pain diarrhea: millet grass one or two, Radix five to six money, agrimony. Water simmer in water, morning and evening every day. (" Zhejiang temmokus yam planting Zhi" )
The treatment of skin heat rash: ephedra pound bag cunkou. (" Guizhou folk medicine" )
The treatment of fire: ephedra tender tip seven flowers, nine leaves seven light. Two medicine mixed mash plug nasal, eye pain plug right nostril plug left nostril, right eye pain. (" Guizhou folk medicine" )
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


