
Rehmannia glutinosa

Overview: This product is Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. Scrophulariaceae digitalis fresh or dried root tuber. The drug is collected in autumn, removed the reed head, fibrous roots and mud, fresh rehmannia glutinosa; or will slowly baked to about80% dry. The former Xi said the" fresh rehmannia root", the latter said Xi" of Rehmannia glutinosa".
Alias: Jiuhu flowers, mountains of tobacco, mountain cabbage.
Category: clearing heat and cooling blood and drug resistance
The character and taste tropism: fresh rehmannia root: sweet, bitter, cold. The heart, liver, kidney. Radix rehmanniae: sweet, cold. The heart, liver, kidney.
Action and indication:
Fresh rehmannia root: heat fluid, blood, bleeding. For the fever of Yin, dark red tongue polydipsia, a rash of spots, hematemesis, epistaxis, sore throat.
Radix rehmanniae: clearing away heat and cooling blood, nourishing Yin, fluid. For the fever tongue Jiang polydipsia, Yin heat, deficiency to heat, diabetes with heat, hematemesis, epistaxis, a rash of spots.
Usage and dosage:12 ~ 30g in fresh rehmannia root. Radix rehmanniae 9~ 15g.
Storage: fresh rehmannia root buried in sand, antifreeze; rehmannia glutinosa is ventilated and dry place, mildew, moth.
Clinical application of:
The 1 guide red powder (" pediatric medicine straight knack" ) attending heart meridian syndrome. Radix rehmanniae Akebia6G,6G, raw licorice root shoot6g. Medicine for end, every take 9g, water lamp, Iritake Ba and fry until five, after the food clothes. In the yellow heart kidney, cool and moist, nourishing yin and clearing heat, for his.
2stomach clearing powder (" Lan cache room" ) attending the gastropyretic toothache. Rehmannia root of Angelica6G,6G9g6G, tree peony bark, Rhizoma Cimicifugae 9g. Medicine for end, for clothing, water lights half, fry until seven, I put the clothes to cold. Fang to nourish yin.
3 Angelica six Decoction (" Lan cache room" ) attending hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency night sweats. Angelica, radix rehmanniae, Radix Scutellariae, Cortex Phellodendri, Coptis chinensis, Radix Rehmanniae Radix6G,12g. Medicine for the thick end, every take 15g, water two, fry a, food clothing, pediatric half dress. Method of angelica, born, cultivated land into the liver and kidney and nourishing yin and blood, yin and blood filling water system, fire, as the party was medicine.

