
Multi spot of Ardisia

[ ] Pinyin name Duō Bā n Zī n Ni úJ ì Ji
[ alias ] purple green fruit root, Ronaldinho umbrella, azure red
[ source ] for the Myrsinaceae Ardisia summer plant Ardisia Ardisia maculosa Mez spot munronia delavayi franch.
[ ] the bitter taste, temperature.
[ ] and functions of pain, Shujin active, throat. Treatment of sore throat, stomach pain, acute enteritis, rheumatic arthralgia. External use in treating fracture, traumatic injury.
[ usage]0.3~ 1two, water simmer in water or wine service; stomachache with1~ 2students chew; topical amount, delicacy tastes pound, fry heat affected area.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


