
Many bracts of Phlomis umbrosa

[ alias ] wild Suzi, Sweet Sue, Xi Xiancao [Yunnan]
[ source ] Labiatae many bracts Phlomis Phlomis bracteosa Royle, with grass, the roots are used medicinally.
[ ] Yunnan habitat distribution.
[ ] taste bitter, tepid. A small drug.
[ indications ]
Expelling wind and removing dampness.
Hemiplegia, Kouyanwaixie, paralyzed at Sheng, wilt Bi Yan, vitiligo, eyebrows and hair loss. The whole grass3 money, decoct with water or into honey pills.
Leucorrhea: root5 money, Decoction plus wine to bring suit.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


