
Hanging white leaf

[ ]" Guizhou folk medicine."
[ ] Dià o Pinyin name Bá I Y è
[ alias ] powder Pago leaves (" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used" ), (" Yunnan Paulownia leaf powder of selected medicinal plants of Simao" ).
[ source ] for honeysuckle Park plant water mahogany leaves or roots, flowers. Annual recoverable.
[ ] the original morphology
Water mahogany, aka: Mountain privet, DLT, ash package wood, fruit, leaf, fruit powder sleep sheep cartilage.
Evergreen shrub or small tree, reaching a height of 3 meters, branchlets with rounded lenticels. Leaves opposite; elliptic to elliptic, grow 5 ~15 centimeters, wide 2~ 7cm, apex shortly acuminate, base broadly cuneate, margin entire or above base with tooth, it was grey and white wax, the color is shallow, vein axils with tufted hairs; petioles up to 2.5cm. Cymes 5~ 7, arranged in terminal corymbs, diameter up to 12 cm; corolla white, tubular bells, apex5 crack, stamens 5, anthers purple, prominent; ovary inferior. Drupe ovoid in shape,4to 5 mm long, purple or black. Florescence 3 ~ August. Fruit6~ November.
[ ] on habitat distribution was born in sparse woods. The distribution of Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Hubei and other places.
[ ]" the taste of Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao": cool, mild astringent.
[ indications ]
Clearing heat and cooling blood, of wet and. Treatment of dry cough, diarrhea, rheumatic pain, traumatic injury, sore scabies.
①":" your 30folk medicine to treat tinea.
The" Guangxi drug-sik list:" treat dry skin and itching.
The" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao": Qingrejiedu, convergence, cooling.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3~ 5money. External: washed fried or Daozhi coated.
[ ] a party
①treat tinea: hanging white leaf, each equivalent constitutive skin. At the end of the inquiry, fried and then paint with vegetable oil. (" Guizhou folk medicine" )
②for red and white dysentery, acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea: powder Tung leaves five money to one or two, decoct with water or chew. (" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao" )
The treatment of burns and scalds: Tung leaves wrings juice coated powder. (" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao" )
The treatment of purulent scar sore, itchy skin, dry skin: Mahogany leather leaf fried water wash the affected area. (" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan" )
The treatment of sores: sheep cartilage leaves Daolan topical.
The treatment of rheumatic bone-setting, arthralgia and myalgia: sheep cartilage root Paojiu clothing.
⑦rule Feizao cough: sheep cartilage to spend money, decoct with water. ( the following a" Kunming civil commonly used herbs" )
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


