
Bambusa pervariabilis

[ source ] was contained in the" list of medicinal plant in Guangxi".
[ ] Pinyin name Ch n be G o Zh cabinet.
English name [ ] Punting Pole Bambusa
[ alias ] oil bamboo, bamboo, bamboo flowers eyebrow eyebrow
[ source ]
Medicine source: for gramineous plants palm leaves, buds or young bamboo stem bark.
Latin animal mineral name: Bambusa pervariabilis McClure.
Harvest and storage: collected all the year round. Bark and stem rod part peeled off of the intermediate layer.
[ ] the original morphology of Bambusa pervariabilis plants woody, a treelike. Pole high 7-10m, diameter 4-5.5cm, tail slightly nearly erect, lower straight, internodes length of about 30cm. Young thin by ash powder or hispid, culm wall thickness, base number of internodes with yellow and green vertical stripes; section slightly uplift, culm base number of Yu Tuohuan above the below, each concentric circle grey white sericeous; branches often since the pole base to start the first quarter, adhere to a few sticks, and even branched clusters, with3 branches are thick and long. Culm sheaths caducous; ears are not equal, with undulate fold, edge by the wave curved thin brush hair. Leaf sheaths backscatter usually glabrous, margin ciliolate; leaf ear obovate or obovate-elliptic; ligule high 0.5mm; leaves linear-lanceolate, usually long10-15cm, width 1-1.5cm, upper surface of lower surface glabrous, densely pubescent, apex acuminate, base subrounded or broadly cuneate. False spikelets with several fascicled on squid sections, linear, long 2-5cm, spikelets with flower5-10flower; Ying only 1pieces, long 6mm, glabrous, with 9 veins; lemma oblong lanceolate, long 12-14mm, glabrous, with13-15veins; palea and lemma nearly equaling or slightly shorter, with 2ridges, ridge6pulse; lodicules 3, unequal, edge was long cilia, in front of2oblique, long 2.7mm, rear1slightly larger; filaments short, anthers long 5mm; ovary oblong, ca.1mm, apex hispidulous, style long1mm, hispidulous, stigmas 3, long 3mm, hair. Caryopsis was wide zona glomerulosa, long 1.5mm, apex hispidulous, and residues in the stigma and style.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in river river and near the village, the common culture.
Resource distribution: distribution in all parts of Southern China.
[ ] taste sweet; bitter cold;
[ ] and functions; except irritated; vomiting; hemostasis. The main fever polydipsia; vomiting; infantile convulsion; epistaxis hematemesis;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-15g.
[ ] the treatise" list of medicinal plant in Guangxi": with treatment Fanre, hematemesis, epistaxis, vomiting in children with convulsion.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

