
Banana peel

[ ] from the Guangdong Chinese medicine"."
[ ] Pinyin name Dà Jiā o P í
[ ] pericarp of Commom Banana English name
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: banana plants such as plantain peels.
Latin botanical name: 1.Musa sapientum L.[Mlparadisiaca animal fossil L.var.sapientum ( L. ) O.Kuntze]2.Musa Nana Lour
Harvest and storage: the mature fruit harvesting, stripping skin, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1plantain, perennial tussock grass, tall 3-7m. With stolons, false stem thick and heavy, many white. Ye Bingshen craned, long is in 30cm above, more white, leaf wing closed; leaf upright or raised, oblong, long 1.5-3m, wide 40-60cm, foliage green, foliaceous back light green, was white, base subcordate or auriculate, nearly symmetrical, apex acute or apiculate tip. Spikelike inflorescence pendulous, inflorescence axis glabrous, bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate, long 15-30cm above, fall off, the outside was purple, deep red in the face, have a flower two per bract, male flowers fall off; tepals yellow-white, connate tepals4-6.5cm, free tepals ca. as long flower by half, transparent waxy, shiny, oblong or suborbicular, apex with small, pointed tip or coiled into a capsule. Infructescences7-8segment to dozens of period of fruit bundle. Fruit oblong, according to the ratio of length to width of a thick, straight or slightly curved fruit body, long 10-20cm, angular clear, fruit stalk usually elongate, delicate flesh, compaction, immature before astringent, ripe sweet or slightly sour, but lack of fragrance or slight aroma, without or with a few seed seed. Flower, fruit throughout the year.
2bananas, perennial, with stolons. Plants tufted, generally higher than 2m, high up to4-5m. False stems are green and black, by whitening, especially over the Department for many. Petioles stout, usually below 30cm, leaf wing was opened, the edge, brown and red or bright red. Leaf blade oblong, long (1.5- )2-2.2m,60-70cm wide, apex obtuse, base subrounded, bilaterally symmetrical, adaxially dark green, without whitening, abaxial leaf light green, by whitening. De inflorescence pendulous, inflorescence rachis densely brown villous outside, bracts dark purple, male bracts not falling, each bract has2columns; flowers white or tinged with purple, free tepals suborbicular, entire, apex of a conical acute, compound tepal intermediate two lateral small lobes, ca.1/2as central lobe. The largest fruit cluster fruit360, weight up to32kg; general fruit cluster fruit8-10, if150-200; fruit oblong, long 15-25cm, fruit ribs significantly,4-5ribbed, apex attenuate, stipe short, peel green, sweet flesh smooth, no seed, fragrance. Concentrated. Flower, fruit throughout the year.
[ ] habitat distribution
1 our country Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan and other places have you. A native of India, Malaysia and other places.
2originating in southern china. Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan has cultivated.
[ character ] character identification, peel irregular block, the surface is dark brown, with a long stipe, fibrous strong, long 4-5cm. Soft and tough, fibrous many. In dry, clean is preferred.
[ ] the pharmacological effects of ripe banana fruit peel methanol extracts of the water-soluble portion has the inhibition of fungal, bacterial action. Antifungal substance may be a banana skin factor ( Mu-sarin ).
[ ] taste taste astringent; cold;
[ ] functions of heat-clearing and detoxicating; reducing blood pressure. The main dysentery cholera; pruritus; hypertension;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,30-60g. External: amount of washed fried; or at the end of the inquiry tune apply.
[ ] the paper" Guangdong": Traditional Chinese medicine oral dysentery. Stir fried water service governance cholera, abdominal pain. Fried washed skin marks ( SAO ) itch.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


