
Big black grass

[ ] Pinyin name Dà Wū Jī n Cǎ o
[ alias ] big black grass, hair black, black flowers and plants, soil, water, large Asarum Asarum asarum, white three hundred bar.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Aristolochiaceae plants of asarum herb or hairy root, rhizome.
Latin botanical name: Animal minerals Distribution in Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan.
Harvest and storage: the summer excavation of the whole grass, removes the dirt, the ventilation in shadow.
[ ] the original morphology of wool Asarum perennial herbs, entire plant densely white villous ( dry brown ). Rhizome length of up to 50cm, obliquely ascending or creeping stems, long 3-7cm. Leaves opposite,1-2; petiolar long 10-22cm, long pilose; leaves ovate spores, back and margin densely villous; leaf blade ovate-cordate or broadly ovate,5-8cm long,5-9.5cm wide, apex acute or acuminate, base cordate, both surfaces densely villous. Flowers purplish green; pedicels 1-2.5cm, hairy; flowers rupture disc ovate, puberulent outside, purple, apex yellow-white, distally reflexed; stamens and style subequal, filaments longer than anthers ca. 2times, connectives shortly ligulate; ovary semi-inferior, pubescent; styles connate, apex radiation6 crack, stigma terminal students. Fruit is close globose, the diameter is about 1.5cm. Florescence 4-5 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in Forest Wet land.
Resource distribution: located in Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan.
[ character ] trait identification of rhizome irregular cylindrical, ca. to 50cm, about 3mm in diameter, much branched; gray brown, a distortion of the fine wrinkles, internodes 0.5-2cm, yellow-white section, a plurality of fibrous root. After leaf expansion ovate-cordate or ovate, long 5-8cm, wide 5-9.5cm, apex acute or acuminate, base cordate, both surfaces densely hairy; petiolar long 10-20cm, hairy. Some with flowers, purple brown.
[ ] long hair chemical composition asarum herb ( dry goods )0.6% containing volatile oil, volatile oil components of:2- eleven polyvinylpyrrolidone (2-undecanone ), Sassafras ether ( safrole ), trans - β - farnesene ( trans- β-farnesene ), methyl eugenol ( methyleugenol ),2- thirteen carbon ketone (2-tridecanone ), nerolidol ( nerolidol ), ( asaricin ), with asarone lignans ( elemicin ) and 2- seventeen alkyl ketone (2-heptadecanone ) etc..
[ ] taste spicy; temperature
[ ] functions of warming lung expectorant and analgesic; Qufeng desiccant. The main cold cough; rheumatic arthritis; stomachache toothache; abdominal pain;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,1-5g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


