
Big black bubble

[ source ] from Guizhou" herbal"; the revised products raw plant Rubus, see Szechwan raspberry root or leaf.
[ ] Pinyin name Dà Wū Pà o
[ ] Root of Multibract Raspberry English name
[ alias ] old yellow bubble, the bubble, bubble, bubble thorn June ox hair,
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for the Rosaceae plant big black bubble root or herb.
Latin botanical mineral name: Rubus multibracteatus animal L évl.et Vant.
Harvest and storage: root, autumn, winter digging, washed, sliced dried. The entire plant, annual recoverable. Washed, chopped, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of big black bubble bush, tall 2-3m. Stems stout, densely yellow villous and scattered short curved spines. Leaves alternate, petiolar long 3-6cm, densely yellow pubescent; stipules laciniate; leaf blade leathery, suborbicular,5-16cm diameter of7-9, palmately lobed. Lobes usually2lobed or and incised, apex obtuse or acute, base cordate, margin irregularly toothed, with short and dense small bulges, below densely yellow tomentose; primary veins palmate veins5-7, manifest. Panicle or raceme inflorescences terminal and axillary, densely yellow tomentose; bracts elliptic, long 1-1.5cm, margin lacerate; sepals ovate, apex often dissected, outside densely yellow villous; petals slightly longer than calyx, near the oval, white, have claw; stamens numerous; carpels many, inserted on convex receptacle on. Aggregate fruit globose, diameter 1.5cm, producing numerous red berrylike drupe small. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 8-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 700-2500m slope and gully shady forest or shrub forest margins and roadside.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou.
[ ] the chemical composition
The fruit contains amino acid ( g/100g, dry basis ): aspartic acid ( aspartic acid )0.012( threonine )0.316, threonine, serine ( serine )0.328( glutamic acid0.775), glutamic acid, glycine ( glycine )0.538, alanine (alanine )0.379, cystine, valine ( cystine )0.183, ( valine )0.476, methionine ( methionine )0.080( isoleucine )0.412, isoleucine, leucine ( leucine )0.601( tyrosine )1.307, tyrosine, phenylalanine ( phenylalanine )0.394, lysine ( lysine )0.426( histidine )0.322, histidine, arginine and proline ( arginine )0.668( proline )0.378.
Fresh fruit: the content of total sugar 2.69%,1.77% of total acid, vitamin C12.64mg/100g (μ g/g ): vitamin B1 0.69, vitamin B2 0.95, vitamin E74.76, vitamin A trace.
The fruit contain the mineral element content ( % ) ( dry basis ):0.6968 K, CA 0.5994,0.4396 magnesium, manganese ( :40.9201μ g/g ), zinc (μ g/g ) :29.9520( :24.2567μ g/g ), iron, selenium (μ g/g ) :0.0408.
[ ] taste bitter, astringent; cool
[ ] to the liver through the spleen;
[ ] functions of clearing heat, hemostatic, rheumatism. The main cold and fever, cough, hemoptysis, epistaxis, irregular menstruation, traumatic bleeding, dysentery, diarrhea, rectal prolapse, rheumatic arthralgia
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-30g. External: amount, trace and apply or grinds end apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

