
Szechwan raspberry root or leaf

[ ]" herbal" classification.
[ ] Pinyin name Dà Wū Pà o Gē n
[ alias ] black bubble (" Sichuan Chinese Herbs" )
[ source ] bud Rosaceae Rubus root or leaf plant. Autumn, winter heating, summer leaf picking.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous shrubs. Tall 2 ~5 meters. Stem cylindrical, unarmed, densely grayish brown pubescent, sometimes intermixed bristles. Leaves simple, nearly in the form or wide egg form, diameter 6~ 17 centimeters, apex acute or obtuse, base cordate, margin irregularly toothed, there is often not apparent 5~7 crack, above below rough, green ash, reticulate veins conspicuous, have short fluff; petiole is long 5- 7centimeters; stipules are wide, approximately ovoid, base asymmetric, apex shallowly lobed, with caducous phenomena. Inflorescences terminal or axillary flowers; peduncle and pedicels densely tomentose; flower purple, diameter 1 ~1.5 centimeters; calyx lobes triangular-ovate, apex caudate tip, both with hairs; petals obovate; stamens numerous. Aggregate fruit subglobose, diameter 6 ~8 mm, black. Florescence 6 ~ July. Fruit8~ September.
[ ] was born in the hillside habitat, roadsides, forest, forest and shrub in. Distribution of Sichuan, Guizhou, Hubei, Tibet and other places.
[ ]" the taste of Sichuan herbs commonly used": sour salty, flat.
[ ] functions of cooling blood, promoting blood circulation. Treatment of injury of hematemesis, hemoptysis, irregular menstruation, dysentery, tuberculosis of lymph nodes, fracture.
①" Sichuan herbs commonly used": root: Qufeng desiccant, vomiting, and activating blood circulation. Treatment of injury of hematemesis, irregular menstruation, export has fishy, scrofula, pox after Eye Nebula, the mad dog bites. Leaf: treatment of impetigo.
The" Guizhou drug-sik directory": whole plant: clearing away heat and cooling blood, hemostatic, bone. Dysentery, rectocele, vicarious menstruation, hemoptysis, fracture.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,0.5~ 1two; or leach liquor, stew. External: leaf, crushed spreader.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt

