
Big flower Clematis

[ ] Pinyin name Dà Huā Wē I Lí n Xi ān
[ alias ] Clematis
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: wool plant clematis root and stem.
Latin botanical name: Clematis courtoisii Hand.Mazz. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: collected all the year round, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of flower essence of Clematis Chinensis Osbeck, liana, long 2-4m. Roots brown, Lu Shiwei spicy. Stem cylindrical, brown red or deep brown, who were carrying pilose, glabrescent nearly glabrous. Leaves opposite, three leaves or two to two leaves; petiole 6-11cm, basally slightly inflated; leaflets thinly papery or leathery, oblong or oval Phi I shape, length 5-7cm, width 2-3.5cm, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, above the main veins pubescent, below pilose; petiolules short or long 1-2cm, pilose. Flowers bisexual, solitary and axillary; pedicels 12-18cm, pubescent, middle of pedicel1leaflike bracts, broadly ovate, long 4.5-7cm, wide 2.5-4.5cm, width 1.5-2.5cm, apex acute, along midvein outside3form a purple belt, puberulent, inside glabrous, veins distinct; petals no; stamens many,1.5cm long, dark purple, outer filaments longer,2 × as long as anthers, anther length 5mm; carpels numerous, ovary and style basally pilose, pubescent style upper, stigma inflated. Achenes obovoid, ca.5mm, puberulous, persistent style feathery stigmas, persistent, long 1.5-3cm. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 6-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 200-500m hills, streams or foot next Holt climbing on trees.
Resource distribution: distribution in southern Jiangsu, southern Anhui, northern Zhejiang, southern Henan, Eastern Hunan.
[ character ]
Character identification, To can reach 4m, wound or cut off, the diameter of 2-6mm, longitudinally angular, surface brown red or deep brown, hard. Some visible on the leaves, the complete leaf two times three leaves, long stipitate, leaflets ovate-lanceolate, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, withered green, thinly papery. Gas micro harsh.
Roots fascicled in irregular roots elongated cylindrical, surface tawny, section type white. Gas, light pungent, bitter.
[ ] bitter taste; micro Xin Ping;
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness; Qi Tong; detoxification. The main difficulty in urination; abdominal distension; constipation; wind-fire toothache; strange star nebula; worm snake bite
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: fresh goods amount, pound apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


