
Largeflower Euonymus

[ ] Pinyin name Dà Huā Wè I Má o
[ alias ] wild eucommia, Jinsi Duzhong, four lattices
[ source ] largeflower Euonymus Celastraceae Euonymus grandiflorus Wall., with bark, root bark, fruit, leaves are used as medicine.
[ ] southwest and upper reaches of the Yangtse River Habitat provinces.
[ ] taste slightly bitter, astringent, flat.
[ indications ] rheumatism, Shu veins, kidney. At the beginning of dysentery, abdominal pain, kidney empty lumbago, rheumatism, blood stasis amenorrhea.
[ usage] bark0.5~ 1two. Fruit 5 ~6 money.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"
( medical network consolidation, reproduced please specify the source )


