
Big Tong Zigen

[ source ]" Sichuan" from traditional Chinese medicines
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Má o Tó n Zì Ji Gē n
[ ] Root of Barbate Mallotus English name
[ alias ] ginger Jatropha curcas roots, round shoe, chaff root.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Euphorbiaceae plant root hair tong.
Latin animal mineral name: Mallotus barbatus ( Wall. ) Muell.Arg.[Rottlera barbatus Wall.]
Harvest and storage: the year may collect dig, washed, sliced, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of wool ketone deciduous shrub or small tree, tall l-4m. Young shoots densely yellowish brown stellate woolly. Ye Husheng; petiolar long 5-22cm, densely gray-brown stellate woolly; young leaves red, thick, fluffy; leaf blade papery, ovate or ovate-orbicular,13-30cm long,12-26cm wide, apex acuminate, base rounded, peltate with students, margin sparsely serrulate, undivided or 3lobed, sometimes assumes irregular wave shape, which was densely stellate tomentose, glabrous below after gradient, green, densely hair brown stellate tomentose and brown glandular dots, veins radially,7-11. Racemes axillary or terminal, length of up to 30cm, inflorescence handle hairy; flowers unisexual, apetalous; occasionally monoecious; male inflorescences usually branched, long 11-35cm, male flowers 5-8fascicled, sepals 4-5, dilute3 crack, lanceolate, long 3-4mm, outside densely tomentose, inside there are glandular dots; male Rui most; female flower sheet was born in bract axils, bracts ca.4mm, calyx 4 crack, dilute3or 5, outside the ovary tomentose, circular, papillate, coat, room 4,3or 5thin, style 3-5, basally connate, long 3-4mm. Capsule depressed-globose, length 1.2-1.6cm, diameter 1.6-2cm, was a1layer thickness of 5mm soft spines and stellate tomentose, bracteate at base3, connate, fruit handle is long5-8mm; seminal egg form, black, bright. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of400-1000m mountain slopes, sparse forests or thickets.
Resource distribution: located in Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste slightly bitter taste; flat
[ ] the lung meridian; spleen; stomach meridian
[ ] Qingre dampness indications. The main pulmonary heat hematemesis; damp-heat diarrhea; painful stranguric urination; belt
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g.
[ ] the paper1" Sichuan": history of Chinese medicine for treatment of lung heat hematemesis, general debility and phthisis hemoptysis. 2" Guangxi drug-sik directory" : heat, pain. Treatment of gonorrhea, uterine prolapse.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

