
Large membrane cover fern

[ source ] was contained in the flora of China."".
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Mó Gà I Ju é
English name [ ] Immersed Leucostegia
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: davalliaceae plant membrane cover fern rhizome.
Latin animal mineral name: Leucostegia immersa ( Wall. ) Presl[Davallia immersa Wall.]
[ ] the original morphology of plants with high45-70cm. Rhizome long and dangerous, densely pale brown, ovate-lanceolate scales and pale rusty villous. Ye Yuansheng; petiolar long 20-35cm, straw color, shiny, glabrous; leaf blade ovate in Yangtze River Delta, long 25-35cm, base broadly about 17-25cm or greater, apex acuminate, three pinnate; pinnae10-20 pairs, base asymmetric, wedge, oblique, long triangle, handle long 5-15mm, base1the largest, long 12-20cm, wide 6-10cm, apex lobed tail, the upper part of the pinna is shortened; a small pinnae about 10 pairs, obliquely ovate to oblong, oblique, acuminate, base the Ministry is1biggest, long 5-7cm; ultimate pinnules5-6pairs, nearly rhombic ovate, apex rounded and blunt teeth, base obliquely cuneate, margin lobed; lobes2-3, margin serrate; veins return each bifurcation, blunt teeth are small veins 1, apex with rod type water bag. Sori, first end return pinnule is1-2, was born in the small veins, apex; indusia, oblate to renal round, gray, entire, basally, persistent.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 1800-2800m mountain forest or bush.
Resource distribution: located in Taiwan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan etc..
[ ] slightly bitter taste; temperature
[ ] liver kidney meridian;
[ ] functions of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. The main injuries; low back pain
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g; or leach liquor. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the treatise" Materia Medica" : Roots: Xinhua outline slightly bitter taste, warm. Have the function of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. For the waist and knee pain, traumatic injury.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

