
Big w

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Kuà I W ǎ
[ alias ] of Asarum splendens, asarum asarum, soil, low floor, three hundred white rods.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Aristolochiaceae plants flower breviscapus root, rhizome or herb.
Latin animal mineral name: AsarumgeophilumHemsl.
Harvest and storage:4-5 months digging with a complete grass, removes the dirt, the ventilation, drying in the shade.
[ ] the original morphology of flowers of herbaceous perennial plants of asarum, medicinal powder unripe fluff. Rhizome creeping. Petiole 3-15cm, densely yellowish brown pubescent; spore leaves ovate or long ovate, densely pubescent; leaf circular heart-shaped, ovate-cordate or broadly ovate,5-10cm long,5.5-12.5cm wide, apex obtuse or acute, base cordate, scattered hairs or glabrous above, the following are densely yellowish brown at the beginning of soft wool. Purple flowers; pedicels 5-15mm, hairy; perianth connate with ovary globose or oval part of perianth tube, short, mid above and style of equal height with narrow convex ring, perianth lobes ovate-orbicular, light green, densely purple spotted surface tuft, edge Staphylococcus ( dried purple ), two.; stamen filaments slightly shorter than anthers, connectives extended, cone or ligulate; ovary inferior, hairy, styles shorter than stamens, apex6 crack, stigmas terminal, outward decurrent into linear. Capsule egg shape, the diameter is about 12mm. Florescence 4-6 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in forests or valley wetland.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places.
[ character ] trait identification of rhizome short, diameter 1-3mm, length0.3-1.3cm; fine wrinkles. Roots slender, yellow. Ye Zhanping circle shape, ovate-cordate or broadly ovate,5-10cm long,5.5-12.5cm wide, apex obtuse or acute, base cordate, some of above hairy, densely yellowish brown puberulent below; petiolar long 3-15cm, densely yellowish brown hairs.
[ ] to take chemical composition asarum herb ( dry goods ) contain approximately 0.1% volatile oil, volatile oil components of:α - pinene (α -pinene ), camphene ( camphene ),β- pinene (β -pinene ), limonene ( limonene ),1,8- cineole (1,8-cineole ), p-cymene ( p-cymene ), linalool ( linalool ), ( borneol )4- pine oil, borneol, camphor enolase ( terpinen-4-ol ) ( camphor ),α- terpineol (α -terpineol ), naphthalene ( naph-thalene ), bornyl acetate ( bornyl acetate ),2- eleven polyvinylpyrrolidone (2-undecanone ), ( ( Wang Gu ) King Bar) ene (copaene ),3,5- two methoxy toluene (3,5-dimethoxytoluene ), Sassafras ether ( safrole ),β- elemene (β -elemene ),α- Ancient Yun Xi (α -gudunene ), trans - caryophyllene ( Trans-caryophyllene ),β- Ancient Yun Xi (β -gurjunene ), positive fifteen alkyl ( n-Pentadecane ), Humulus scandens ( humulene ), allyl methyl eugenol ( methyl eugenol ), sixteen (n-hexadecane ),γ- alkyl elemene (γ -elemene ), ( asaricin ), with asarone lignans ( elemicin ),2,4,5- trimethoxy propenylbenzene (2,4,5-trimethoxypropenylbenzene ).
[ ] taste spicy; temperature
[ ] to the heart liver kidney lung;;;
[ ] functions of dispelling wind and cold; Xuanfei Zhike; relieve pain. The main cold; headache; sinusitis; phlegm cough; cold and dampness; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,1-3g. External: amount, trace and apply.
[ note ] hyperactivity of Yang due to yin deficiency Shen clothing, pregnant woman forbids. " History of Chinese medicine in Guangxi:" Yin Yang Wang and no wind cold and were not true.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


