

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Lá n Bǎ Cǎ o
[ alias ] Bidens tripartita, relay grass, sewing kit, a needle, foreign off grass grass, sewing kit
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as the Compositae sticktight entire grass.
Latin botanical name: Bidens frondosa L. animal fossil
Harvest and storage:6-9 month recovery, wash, cut, dried.
[ ] the original morphology sticktight annuals, up to 120cm, stems erect, branched, often purplish, was sparsely hairy or glabrous. Leaves opposite; stipitate; back feather appearance fronds, flocculus 3-5, lanceolate, long 3-10cm, wide 1-3cm, apex acuminate, margin coarsely serrate, usually on abaxial surface sparsely pubescent, at least the top living with obvious handle. Flower heads with Lord Deng Dansheng, together with the involucral bract12-15mm diameter, height is about 12mm; involucre campanulate or hemispherical, outer bracts 5-10, normally 8, lanceolate or spoon-shaped oblanceolate, leaflike, margin ciliate, inner bracts oblong, with yellow edges, ligulate flower not developed, not very obviously, at C, corolla limb5 crack. Achenes flattened, narrowly cuneate, apex awned a long 5-10mm,2, a side beam. Flower, month of fruit period 8-10.
[ ] in the field at the moist habitat distribution. The outskirts of Shanghai wild. Native to North symptoms.
[ character ]
Character identification of stem dark purple. Leaves opposite, entire leaves people after opening a bipinnately compound leaves, leaflets lanceolate, margin coarsely serrate leaf. Capitate sheet was born in stem, branch end; involucre campanulate or hemispherical; bracts leaflike, margin ciliate; corolla apex5 crack. Bitter taste.
Microscopic identification of the transverse section of the stem: cortex by a series of round cells loosely arranged; the bundle sheath fiber wall micro wood; xylem is larger, single or2 juxtaposed into radial alignment. Be Hirohiro, myeloid cells in acting powder, while red visible secretory cell.
[ ] sticktight chemical composition containing twelve carbon -3,5,7.9- four11- -1.2.13- three -1- allyl alcohol propargyl glucoside ( trideca-3,5,7,9-te-trayn-11-en-1,2,13-trlol-1-glucoside ).
[ ] bitter taste; flat
[ ] functions of tonic heat. Subject of fatigue; night sweats; hemoptysis; infantile infantile malnutrition; dysentery
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


