
Bigleaf beautyberry leaf

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yè Z Zh ì Jiū
[ alias ] beautyberry leaf grass, wind leaf, catch the wind purple, red said, leave the AI
[ source ] for Verbena Callicarpa nakedflower beautyberry leaf of Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl, with roots and leaves are used as medicine. Summer, autumn leaf collection, fresh or dried and grind end backup; year-round production root, sliced, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of shrub to small tree, can amount to 3 meters high. Branchlets grayish white chaff hairs and long hairs. Leaves opposite, long elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate leaves. Summer, autumn leaves with purple flowers axillary, many-flowered integrated pleiochasium. Fruit small, spherical, ca. 2mm, purplish red when ripe.
[ ], the bitter taste of spice, flat.
[ indications ] blood stasis and hemostasis, swelling and pain. Leaf: for hematemesis, hemoptysis, pain, hemafecia; external treatment of traumatic hemorrhage. Root: traumatic swelling and pain, rheumatic pain.
[ usage] leaf, root of 0.5~ 1two; leaf topical amount, leaf area dry milling spread.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

