
Cordyceps cicadae

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From" through"1" Materia Medica Materia Medica; classics": This Shu is a cicada molting, the head of a horn, such as coronary, called Cordyceps cicadae. Westerners have GUI to have by the medical workers, cloud, the odd.
2" classified Materia Medica": Cordyceps cicadae, place has, in July. Unripe bitter bamboo good, unearthed on flower.
[ ] Ch n Hu 's Pinyin name.
English name [ ] Cicada Slough
[ alias ] bug flower, cicada, Yan flower crown
[ source ]
Medicine source: as the clavicipitaceae fungal cicada rod Shu Bao bacteria synnema, Cordyceps cicadae child and parasitic worms.
Latin animal mineral name: Isaria cicadae Miquel; Cordyceps cicadae Shing
Harvest and storage:6-8months, since the soil dug in, remove dirt, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1cicada rod Shu Bao bacteria synnema clumping, by host front-end produce, fresh white, high 1.5-6cm; stems branched or unbranched, diameter 0.1-0.2cm, base sometimes connection, apically branched and cloth with a layer of powdery conidia. Conidia oblong ovate, slightly pointed at both ends, (6-9) m x (2-2.5) m, often contain2oil ball, transparent and colorless.
2Cordyceps cicadae body is long elliptic, slightly curved, ca.3cm, diameter 1-1.4cm, shaped like a cicada. Body head with1-2gold rod seat, strip shape or curl, branched or unbranched, length 3-7cm, diameter 3-4mm, dark brown, apex slightly inflated, the surface has a plurality of small point-like protrusions.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in 1 in cicada larvae.
Born in 2 in cicada larvae.
Resource distribution:1located in Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan etc..
2located in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunnan etc..
[ character ]
1character identification (1) cicada rod Shu Bao bacteria the goods by the body and the head Minister of synnema composition. Body long elliptic, slightly curved, ca.3cm, diameter 1-4cm, surface brownish yellow, as most of the gray hypha enclosed, head of the Cong Jubao Terrier beam. Synnema branched or unbranched, long 1.6-6cm, divided solid part and the handle part; strong minister elliptical, oval or spindle shape, length 5-8mm, diameter 2-3mm, folding color powder, shank diameter1-2mm, brown to dark brown. Brittle, easily broken, insect body is filled with white or white fluffy material. Micro gas smell, light.
(2) Cordyceps cicadae goods from the body and the front end of the seat consists of long. Its1-2, branched or unbranched, long 3-7cm, brown; head expand, its top tapering, length 4-6mm, diameter 6.5-7mm, visible surface dots ( pyrenocarp outwardly projecting orifice ), shank diameter4-5mm. Body white, body covered with white hypha. Brittle, easily broken. Gas, light.
2microscopic identification (1) cicada rod Shu Bao bacteria conidiophore bottle shape, tapering or sudden enlargement of the central terminal, narrow, long 5-8m, diameter 2-3m Chang Chengcong aggregated in a bundle of filaments, shaped like a petal. Conidia are oblong, fusiform or narrow kidney shaped, long 5-14m, diameter 1.8-3.5m, including1-3fat droplets.
(2) Cordyceps cicadae seat head cross section: ascus shell buried in stroma, bottle shape, long 350-540m, diameter 125-300m; ascus cylindrical, with a flat spherical cap, long 262.5-378m, diameter 6.2-9.1m; ascospores elongated filamentous, multiple diaphragms, rectangular short long after fracture3.5-5.2m, diameter 1.7-2.6M.
[ ] chemical constituents of Cordyceps cicadae fruit containing galactomannan ( galactomannan ), by D - mannose ( D-mannose ) and D - galactose ( D-galactose ) with 4:3proportion. Body part of polysaccharide containing CI-5N, CI-P and CI-A.
Pharmacological action [ ]
1anti tumor effect of Cordyceps cicadae polysaccharide ( galactomannan ) has antitumor action.
2 central nervous system effects of intraperitoneal injection of mouse natural Cordyceps cicadae or cultured products dilute alcohol extract could significantly reduce the autonomic activity, prolong pentobarbital and chloral hydrate induced sleep time, improve the subliminal hypnotic dose of pentobarbital sodium in mice sleep rate; extension of central stimulants and strychnine and pentylenetetrazole the speech mouse convulsion latent time. After chemical stimulation method and hot plate method proved: two significant analgesic effect. For normal and yeast induced hot rats by intraperitoneal injection, has obvious cooling effect. Another information further proof, Cordyceps Cicadae and its artificial culture, has the obvious analgesia, sedation and antipyretic effect.
Toxicity of 3acute toxicity test indicated that the ethanol extract: natural of mice60g / kg,72h were observed,20 mice were1dead, after administration of animal only activity decreased,24h recovered. Intraperitoneal injection of LD5012.5 +2.1g / kg, toxicity is writhing, reduced activity, dyspnea until death. Subacute toxicity test indicated that, three groups of rats were1g / kg,3G / kg,9g / kg intragastric administration, continuous 28d, the results of animal blood, liver, kidney function and electrocardiogram were no abnormal changes of heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and other important organs pathology examination had no obvious abnormality.
[ ]" thunder gun sunburning on processing": where the ( cicada flower), to white whole. Recovery after house of suspension stem, noradrenaline, soil, slurry water a day to night, drying, grinding with.
[ ] taste Gan; cold; no
[ ] to the lung, liver
[ ] functions of dispelling wind-heat; appear rash; Xi Feng Zhijing; treating opacity of the cornea. The main wind-heat; fever; dizziness; sore throat; SBC rash rash out early; sluggish; infantile convulsion; swollen red eyes; a cover over the eye; night
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g.
[ ] the discussion
1" classified Materia Medica": the main pediatric day hanging, epilepsy, Yeti, palpitations.
2" schema": work with cicada. And stopping malaria.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

