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1this song is contained in the" compendium of Materia gleaning", the cloud: eelgrass students deep and Xinluo, such as algae and leaves. According to the is the Potamogetonaceae eelgrass plants of the genus Zostera Marina L eelgrass.
2" Jia You" cloud: materia medica kelp from east sea stone, more coarse than algae, flexibility and long, now the (now the Shandong Penglai) people do with tho beam artifacts. 3" Chinese Materia Medica": a primitive crowd kelp sea stone, a piece of paper, thin and long, yellowish white, all bear the Department of beam, named kelp. The control of previous herbal on origin, distribution and feature, kelp should
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yè Zǎ o
[ alias ] kelp, seaweed, kelp, hippocampal Lin grass
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for the Potamogetonaceae eelgrass entire grass.
Latin botanical name: Herba Zosterae Marinae animal fossil
Harvest and storage: spring, summer, autumn harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of eelgrass, perennial submerged herb. A root-like stolon, festival student roots slender stems, sparsely branched. Ye Husheng; leaf length, length 30-50cm, width 3-5mm, apex obtuse, margin entire,5veins, veins of dilute7-11; stipules membranous, and leaf base isolation. Spadix when wrapped in a Foyan bud, inflorescence rachis flattened, leaflike, long 3-4cm, adnate to the spathe; the flower is small, unisexual flowers interaction on rachis side, apetalous; male flowers only 1anthers; female flowers only 1pistils, stigmas 2. Achenes oblong to ovate, long 2.5-4mm, with longitudinal ribs. Seeds elliptic or ovate, also with longitudinal ribs. Flower, month of fruit period 4-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in beach in tidal zone, into a large single communities.
Resource distribution: distribution from Liaoning to Shandong coast.
[ ] cultivation
Biological characteristics of hi cold humid climate, salt tolerance. Appropriate choice of beach cultivation.
Cultivation techniques with ramets propagation method. The spring will dig up the old plant, is divided into a number of root per hill, with stems of2-3root, by spacing30cm× 20cm points each hill,1 hills.
Field management make logistics weeds, generally without fertilization. When the attention of irrigation area.
[ character ] trait identification of this product was elongated ribbon, entire. Often wrinkled or curl, multiple broken, diameter 2-8mm, as thin as paper. Surface greenish brown to brown, with white salt efflorescence. Brittle fracture surface are fine hair-like fibers. Gas micro smell, taste salty.
[ ] the whole grass chemical composition containing sulfonic acid ( p-sulphooxy - cinnamicacid ), cork luteolin -7- sulfate ( luteoli-7-sulphate ), Kaba Kiso -7- sulfate ( diosmetin-7-sulphate ), apigenin -7- sulfate ( apigenin-7-sulphate ), gold Shengcao -7- sulfate ( chrysoriol-7-sulphate ), luteolin3 '- two -7, sulfate ( luteolin-7, the 3′ -disulphate ), p-cumaric acid ( p-coumaric acid ) ( ferulic acid ), ferulic acid, caffeic acid, vanillic acid ( caffeic acid ) ( vanillic acid ), gallic acid ( gallic acid ), protocatechuic acid ( protocatechuic acid ), gentisic acid ( gen-tisic acid ),4- (4-hydroxybenzoic acid hydroxybenzoic acid ), O - catechin ( o-pyrocatechuic acid ), rosemary acid ( rosmarinic acid ), aspartic acid ( aspartic acid ) ( glutamic acid ), glutamic acid, glycine, alanine ( glycine ) ( alanine ), glutamine ( glutamine ),γ aminobutyric acid (γ -aminobutyric acid ). Also contains a polar lipid ( polar lipids ), including the glycolipids ( gly-colipids ) and phospholipid ( phospholipids ). Glycolipid are: single galactosyl two acyl glycerin ( i.e. single galactosyl diglyceride ) ( monogalactosyldiacylglycerol ), two galactosyl birth of phosphatidyl glycerol ( i.e. two galactosyl diglyceride ) ( digalactosyl-diacylglycerol ) and acid radical different rhamnosyl two acyl glycerin ( i.e. sulfonic acid group isorhamnetin base diacylglycerol ) ( sulfoquiovosyldiacyklglycerol ); phospholipids are: phosphatidyl choline ( i.e. lecithin ) ( phosphatidylcholine ), phosphatidylethanolamine ( i.e. brain phospholipids ) ( phosphatidylethanolamine ) and N- acyl phosphate acid ethanol amine ( N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine ) etc.. Composition of lipid and phospholipid fatty acid ( fatty acid ) are: Eighteen carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids ( C18poyunsaturaedfatty acid ), including linoleic acid ( linoleic acid ) and α - linolenic acid (α -linolenicacid ); sixteen three carbon acid (hexadecatrienoic acid ) and big Yu Huo is equal to twenty carbon in the long chain saturated fatty acid (≥ C20long-chain saturaed fatty acid ). Leaves and roots contain sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Manganese, iron, zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, arsenic, selenium, iodine, bromine, chlorine, mercury and gold and other elements.
[ ] with ether from pharmacological effects of kelp ( Zostera ) presented in a composition on Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhibition.
[ ] taste salty taste; cold
[ ] the bladder meridian
[ indications ] Qingre Huatan Ruanjian Sanjie; water. The main tumor tuberculosis; hernia abdominal; edema; beriberi
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,5-10g; or into the pill, powder.
[ ] the discussion of kelp and seaweed, kelp function: Ni and Mo: similarities and differences of kelp, to gall water, gas and power, with seaweed, kelp; woman of this birth has check, slightly different ear. ( the word" Materia Medica" )
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

