
Large South Sioux

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yè Ná n S ū
[ alias ] small South Sioux, gold, Zhubiao Scindapsus officinalis Schott, small siphon, climbing dragon, martial law, ivy, green bamboo standard, Oshi Zhito, evergreen
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as aroid plants leaves south sioux whole plant.
Latin animal mineral name: Rhaphidophora peepla ( Roxb. ) Schott[Pothos peepla Roxb.; Scindapsus peedla Schott]
Harvest and storage: collected all the year round, abluent, cut use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of lobar South Sioux, epiphytic vines. Stem diameter8-12mm, pale green, internodes 2-5cm, raw gas rooting, attached to the walls or bark. Branches usually shorter, most. Ye Bingnian 10-20cm, ventral sulcate, abaxially rounded, pale green, the upper joint long 8-12mm, basal sheath expansion; blade of leathery, oblong, elliptic-oblong, dilute ovate-oblong, margin entire, long 8-25cm, wide 4-llcm, apex abruptly narrowly acuminate or acute, base rounded; the dorsal hump, lateral veins numerous, densely, obliquely extending and then upward arcuate, veinlets network node. Inflorescences terminal, order handle stout,8-10cm long, erect, apically recurved, base the Ministry has long6-7cm wide linear membranous bract, caducous; spathe elliptic-oblong or oblong, long 7-9cm, apex with about 1cm long beak, outside dirty yellow, yellow red flesh inside pollution; spike inflorescences sessile, cylindrical, long 5.5-8cm, as the spathe is4 /5, thick l-1.2cm, pale or dirty yellow, light purple; stamens shorter than pistil, filaments broad, two slightly narrower, anthers oblong, obtuse, slightly exserted; ovary columnar, length and width of2mm, the top four shape or a hexagonal, stigma small, oblong, slightly raised. Florescence 9-10 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: epiphytic in elevation of 1800-2800m evergreen broad-leaved forest in the valley, the hillside Temple Forest tree trunks or on rocky cliffs.
Resource distribution: distribution in Yunnan.
[ ] taste bitter sweet taste; cool;
[ attending functions ] blood stasis pain; massage; Runfei cough. The main angina; traumatic swelling and pain; fracture; rheumatic pain; limb numbness; bronchitis; pertussis
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-15g; or at the end of the inquiry, each time 3G; or leach liquor. External: amount, trace and apply.
[ note ]" Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan:" avoid cow, lamb.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


