
Use the body of grass leaves

[ source ] was contained in the" compendium of Materia Medica" xinhua.
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Yè Ná Shē n Cǎ o
[ English ] all grass of Lax-flower Tickclover name
[ alias ] road leech, sticky clothes grass, Desmodium, wild soybean, sheep, hungry, hungry to white leech leech, water extraction
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for leguminous plant Myricaria Desmodium entire grass.
Latin plant animal name: Desmodium laxiflorum D C. mineral
Harvest and storage:9-10 month recovery, cut, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of sparsely Desmodium half bush, tall 50-120cm. Stems slender, densely appressed pubescent. Three leaves, leaflets ovate or elliptic, long 5-17cm, wide 3-8.5cm, apex acute or acuminate, base cuneate, rounded or shallowly cordate, with sparse hair, densely appressed pubescent below. Axillary racemes or terminal panicles, up to 28cm, flowers sparsely; calyx is long2-3mm, calyx teeth lanceolate, densely villous; corolla purple, keel has wrinkled appendages; stamens 10, two bodies. Pod grows 2-5.5cm, dense hook pubescent, dorsal-ventral sutures in festival place slightly constricted, have 4-12 pod, pod section oblong. Florescence 8-9 month, month of fruit period 10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment of grassland or forest edges: born in the hillside.
Resource distribution: distribution in Taiwan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ character ] stem cylindrical, long 50-100cm, densely pubescent, obscurely ribbed, brittle fracture surface, pith obviously. Three leaves, flocculus 3, ovate or elliptic, apex acute, base rounded, entire, long 4.5-15cm, wide 3-6.2cm, surface dry green, under the surface of furry, lateral lobes smaller. Gas micro. Sometimes visible pod, long 1.8-5.8cm, section 4-12, section office is constricted, surface densely yellowish brown fur with hook. Gas micro.
[ ] taste Gan; flat
[ ] to the stomach; the large intestine meridian
[ ] functions of blood, liver, and clearing heat, removing dampness, detoxification. The main traumatic injury, hypertension, arthritis, nephritis, stomach, bladder stones, atopic dermatitis, syphilis
[ usage]:15-30g orally taken decoction. External: amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the treatise" Materia Medica": the Xinhua outline of grass for stomachache, diarrhea, dysentery.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


