
The scorpion grass

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Xiē Zi Cǎ o
[ alias ] nettle, big Tsuen Ma, Nilgiri nettle
[ source ] Urticaceae girardinia plant scorpion grass Girardinia palmata ( Forsk. ) Gaud., to complete grass is used as medicine. Annual recoverable, fresh or dried.
[ ] bitter, pungent taste, cool. Toxic.
[ ] expectorant functions, removing dampness, detoxification. For cough sputum, edema. External use in treating sore.
[ usage] fresh goods0.5~ 1two; topical amount washed fried.
[ note ] (1) l hairs on its toxic components for high concentrations of acids, can stimulate the skin caused by burning pain, swelling, such as urticaria. Use soap water or soda water washing, oral diphenhydramine hydrochloride25 mg,3 times a day.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


