
Snow on Artemisia

Pinyin name ] [ Dà Xuě Shà n Y ìZh īH āo
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: buttercup multifidus aconite root.
Latin botanical name: Aconitum polyschistum Hand.Mazz. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: summer, fall the excavation, to stem and leaf, washed, dried or fresh.
[ ] the original form of the multifidus aconite, perennial is herbaceous, tall 56-100cm. Tuberoid nearly fusiform, ca.3cm or longer. Stems erect, scanty by curved and close to the pubescent. Ye Husheng; petiole ca.5mm; leaf blade ovate, ca.6.5cm, width of 4cm,3lobed, lobes ovate, central all maximum, base mutation narrowly grow handle, subpinnately fine crack, ultimate lobes linear, wide 1-1.5mm, side all lobes than central all segments slightly shorter or short1 times, ranging from2parted, ultimate lobes1-1.5mm wide, glabrous on both surfaces. Racemose inflorescence, have 12-20flower; inflorescence rachis and pedicels densely retrorsely pubescent; proximal bracts leaflike, upper bracts linear; lower pedicels up to 3cm, upper shorter; bracteoles middle of pedicel, linear; flowers bisexual, zygomorphic; sepals 5, petaloid, violet blue, outside pubescent upper sepal galeate ship shape, base to1.5-1.7cm long beak, lower margin upwards is, concave, lateral sepals ca.1.4cm, lower sepals narrowly elliptic; petals 2, glabrous, lip ca.4mm, distance is short, retrorsely; stamens numerous, entire, pubescent; carpels 3, be close to the pubescent. Follicles, up to 1.9cm, pubescent. Seeds numerous, pour egg form three prismatic, ca.3mm, narrowly winged along angles. Florescence 8-10 month, month of fruit period 9-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 2650-3600m mountain grassland.
Resource distribution: distribution in the western and northwestern sichuan.
[ character ]
Character identification, root cone, length 5-10cm, diameter 0.5-2cm. Surface is dark brown, with longitudinal wrinkles and a lateral root. Off white. Gas micro, taste acrid and Ma tongue.
Microscopic identification, root transection: epigenetic cortex1-2yellow brown cell death. Cortex of 7-8columns of cells, rectangular tangential extension. Phloem sieve tube arranged inside group of narrow strip. Cambium stellate polygonal or circular. Each xylem bundle formation layer are provided with semicircular fracture.
Powder characteristics: compound starch grain2-5particle composition, diameter 4-16 μm umbilical points V shape, figure ten, punctate or linear.
[ ] root chemical composition containing the multifidus aconitine (polyschistine ) A, B, C, D, aconitine ( aconitine ),3- aconite base (3-deoxyaconitine ), benzoyl aconine ( benzoylaconine ), benzoyl DNA aconine ( benzooyldeoxyaconine ).
[ ] taste spicy; heat; the big poison
[ indications ] Qufeng wins wet; dispelling cold and relieving pain. The main cold and dampness; foot contracture; traumatic injury innominate toxic swelling;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,0.2-0.6g. External application: suitable, grind end tune apply; or mill juice coated.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


