
The tree falls

[ source ] from the" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao"
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Shù Diē Dǎ
[ ] Bark of Chinese Endospermum English name
[ alias ] Huang Tong
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Euphorbiaceae yellow tung tree bark and leaves.
Latin botanical name: Endospermum chinense Benth. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: the year may collect skin, summer, autumn leaf picking, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of flavonoids in deciduous trees, tall 6-20m. Bark tea brown; branchlets thick, grayish brown, shoots, inflorescences, petiole and stipules are densely yellow stellate hairs. Ye Husheng, often crowded on top of branches, falling behind significant scars; petiolar long 4-9cm, about and leaf length, densely stellate hairy, apex back blade has two large yellow glands; stipules subulate, ca.3mm; leaf blade suborbicular to broadly ovate or oval, pour egg form number,8-20cm long,4-14cm wide, apex obtuse or short acuminate, base rounded, truncate or broadly cuneate, margin entire, both surfaces subglabrous stellate hairs, above, below the dense, lateral veins 5-7 pairs, in second or third on each end and a yellow, raised glands. Panicles or racemes axillary; flowers unisexual, male inflorescence long 16-20cm, axillary branches near the top; bracts hypertrophy,1-1.5mm long; calyx cup shape, margin with 3-4sinuolate crenate, outside yellow stellate hairy; stamens 5-8, inserted ca.4mm extended receptacle, anther room 4; female inflorescence long 6-10cm; bracts broadly triangular, hypertrophy; calyx cupular,3-5wavy edge tooth crack; ovary spherical, room 2-3, style very short, connate into a disk; disk thin and flat, with the 2-4 pieces of triangular teeth. Fruit nearly spherical, shortly stipitate, about 1cm long, densely yellow stellate hairs; seed 3, slightly triquetrous long cylindrical shape or a narrow ovoid, brown. Flower, month of fruit period 5-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.
Resource distribution : in ridge, slope in sparse woods.
[ character ] trait distinguishing Ye Kuan ovate, elliptic or suborbicular, thinly leathery, brown and green, long 10-18cm, wide 7-14cm, the top surface of the blade near2large yellow glands. Gas micro, taste bitter.
[ ] taste spicy; heat; toxic
[ ] the lung meridian; kidney
[ ] functions of removing blood stasis and relieving pain; massage; cut malaria. The main fracture; traumatic injury; cold and dampness; malaria
[ usage]: the amount of external, fine grinding, Yousa Fu first little pad on the affected part, then apply the medicine. Oral: decoction,1-3g; or leach liquor.
[ note ] pregnant women and the frail to hate.
[ ] the paper1" list of plants in Guangxi": the bark, malaria. 2" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao": new and removing blood stasis, detumescence and relieving pain, Shujin active. Treatment of fracture, traumatic injury, cold and dampness, joint pain, leg pain, numbness of limbs.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

