
More kiwi fruit stem and leaf

[ ] Pinyin name Duō Huā Mí Hó u Tá o J īn Yè
[ alias ] red stalk weight
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: kiwifruit plants Actinidia latifolia Actinidialatifolia ( Gardn.etChamp. ) Merr. stems, leaves.
Latin animal mineral name: Actinidia laizfolia ( Gardn.etChamp. ) Merr.
Harvest and storage: spring, summer collection, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Actinidia latifolia Fujimoto, up to 8m. Branchlets reddish brown when young, with rusty tomentose, with pale white oblong to lanceolate lenticels; myeloid compartment sheet, light white, old, hollow. Leaves alternate; petiole is long2-8cm, are densely brownish velutinous; leaf blade broadly ovate, obovate, firmly papery,, suborbicular to oblong-ovate,5.5-14cm long,4-10cm wide, apex acute to acuminate, base rounded or shallowly cordate, sometimes as a wedge or truncate, margin sparsely bone fretsaw, glabrous above, or only along midrib tomentose when young, the scattered or dense white or yellowish white stellate pilose, lateral veins 6-7 pairs. Cymes axillary,3-4branches, up to 11cm, densely ferruginous tomentose; sepals 5, ovate, outside densely rusty tomentose; petals 5, pale brownish yellow, oblong-obovate, slightly pilose; stamens numerous, anther base not diverge; ovary subglobose, densely villous, flower column slender. Berry is globose or ovate-oblong,1.5-2CM long, glabrous when mature or only basally pilose, maculate. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 8-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 300-1100m montane forest.
Resource distribution: located in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ character ] trait identification of young shoots diameter of about2.5mm year old branches, the diameter is about 8mm. Surface orange green, sparsely pilose, lenticels conspicuous or not. Section often lamellar, pith white or hollow. Complete broad ovate leaves, suborbicular or long ovate, long 8-13cm, wide 5-8.5cm; apex acute or acuminate, base rounded or shallowly cordate, margin sparsely cusp shape hard head gear; dry green above, below densely gray or tawny stellate tomentose; lateral veins 6-7 pairs, sulphur vein significantly thickly papery. Petiole 3-7cm, glabrous or slightly puberulent hairs. Gas micro, tasteless, astringent.
[ ] light taste astringent; flat;
[ ] functions of heat-clearing and detoxicating detumescence and analgesia; dehumidification. The main throat; carbuncle boils; snake bites; burns; diarrhea
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: fresh leaf amount, washed fried, or pound apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


