
More kiwi

[ ] Pinyin name Duō Huā Mí Hó u Tá o
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: kiwifruit Actinidia latifolia fruits plant.
Latin animal mineral name: Actinidia laizfolia ( Gardn.etChamp. ) Merr.
Harvest and storage: the year may pick, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Actinidia latifolia Fujimoto, up to 8m. Branchlets reddish brown when young, with rusty tomentose, with pale white oblong to lanceolate lenticels; myeloid compartment sheet, light white, old, hollow. Leaves alternate; petiole is long2-8cm, are densely brownish velutinous; leaf blade broadly ovate, obovate, firmly papery,, suborbicular to oblong-ovate,5.5-14cm long,4-10cm wide, apex acute to acuminate, base rounded or shallowly cordate, sometimes as a wedge or truncate, margin sparsely bone fretsaw, glabrous above, or only along midrib tomentose when young, the scattered or dense white or yellowish white stellate pilose, lateral veins 6-7 pairs. Cymes axillary,3-4branches, up to 11cm, densely ferruginous tomentose; sepals 5, ovate, outside densely rusty tomentose; petals 5, pale brownish yellow, oblong-obovate, slightly pilose; stamens numerous, anther base not diverge; ovary subglobose, densely villous, flower column slender. Berry is globose or ovate-oblong,1.5-2CM long, glabrous when mature or only basally pilose, maculate. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 8-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 300-1100m montane forest.
Resource distribution: located in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste Gan; acid; flat
[ ] functions of Supplementing Qi and nourishing yin. The main weakness of tuberculosis illness;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


